THIS IS A BIG SCAM!!! I am a victim too. I signed up on February and I am still fighting to get my money back. I called my credit card company and I am trying to get my money through them. I wrote a letter to American Registration Center asking my money back but they never answered back. I also wrote to the postal services fraud center but they never replied.
BUT, I found some information on the official USPS website that proves these guys are scammers.
7. Employment Fee / Guaranteed Employment.
Advertisement offering guaranteed employment if customers pay a registration or employment fee. The United States Postal Service® does not charge application fees or guarantee employment. Additionally, the Postal Service™ does not sell any preparatory materials for the employment exam nor do we endorse any companies selling such materials. You never have to pay for information about job vacancies or employment opportunities with the Postal Service.
The United States Postal Service does not ENDORSE any companies selling such materials. NEC/ARC are scammers and we should file a class action law suit against them. If anybody is interested email me at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it