I received the following e-mail via a posting on Craigslist. It is obviously an attempt to get a prospective renter to sign up at Ameriscores.com. Renters beware.
Thank you for taking the time to contact us concerning our property.
We thought we had the Lease finalized last week to a family, however there were unforseen circumstances. You were the first person to message us about it since it was placed back for lease. It would only be fair to offer you the first chance at reserving the property.
Typically, I would require a 12 month lease, but, since we're having to relist the property I would also be ok with shorter terms. I am assuming that you"ll want to see the property before making a definite decision. I would just give you the address and let you drive by, however my husband is against blindly advertising an empty home online. I have heard many stories of empty rentals being burglarized. Understand the home has been up kept properly and had a good cleaning and a new refrigerator. Basic utilities are currently on, but we expect that you would get them transferred into your name relatively quick.
If you are interested in scheduling a time to tour the unit, go to the site below and print off the free copy of your report. Your score isn't necessarily important. I am simply being assured that there are no previous evictions or rental property related liens.
Here's the site: http://ameriscores.com/property04026
I'll be very accomodating as far as days go toproperty. Any day after 8a.m. is fine. Just let me know when you have everything printed and be sure to leave me a cell number to reach you at. I will call you to confirm a time and choose a location near the rental to meet.
Thank you for looking,
Carrie Springs
[email protected]