Received several calls offering a credit card refused several times. They repeatedly called back offering good credit card at 8.9% interest with 2000 limit. They received my banking info and social. After researching online. I immediately called the costumer service attempting to cancel, could not get through. So I called the number that contacted me asking for help in canceling, they refused nor did they give me any contact info to customer service. So I called my bank and placed a freeze on my account that allows you to receive funds but will not allow any other transaction to happen, accept at a bank, I also contacted the credit bureaus and initiated a fraud alert at 18006807289, and filed a complaint with the FTC at this link;$solcq.actionview
I also went to the OPT OUT web site to OP OUT permanently at this sight for all four credit bureaus.
Know this when you issue a fraud alert with one of the three major it will not initiate with the fourth Innovis because they do not see them as a credit bureau, unfortunately they are, and when you opt out you will see that all four are notified not just the three. I hope this helps other like the other posts have help me.