American Home Mortgage Servicing, Inc.
P.O. Box 631730
Irving, Texas 75063-1730
Mr. Wilbur Ross
WL Ross & Co.
1166 Avenue of the Americas
27th Floor
New York, New York 10036
I know anyone who is reading this has experienced the hell that is American Home Mortgage Servicing, Inc. or AHMSI or Option One Mortgage. The company is now owned by Mr. Wilbur Ross, Jr. of WL Ross & Co., an investor and billionaire. Shortly after the purchase of the company out of bankruptcy, he moved all "customer service" calls through Pune, India.
Here are some of the problems I personally faced:
1. I was married in November of 2007 and my name changed. I have sent multiple letters and faxes and spoke with “customer service” representatives regarding this change. It has never been updated.
2. I requested a loan modification in writing and was denied because I am making my payments. I spoke with a “customer service” representative over the phone who advised I would have to stop making payments for three months to get a loan modification.
3. I have written and requested an escrow account to be set up with taxes and insurance and have received no response.
4. Previously when I paid amounts over my monthly payment, it was applied to principal; however, AHMSI steals my money and applies to a “corporate advance adjustment” although I am not delinquent on my account.
5. If I do not make a payment prior to the first of the month, AHMSI calls me daily twice a day at both home and work although I have always made my payment every month between the 1st and the 15th of the month.
6. Whenever I call or receive a call, I am connected to a call center in India. Their English is generally very poor. The people are often speaking from a script and are no help at all. I can never talk to the same person. I have multiple times requested to call back the same individual to handle my problems with the company and they advised they cannot do so.
7. In the fall, I made a payment through Bill Pay from my bank account as I always do. AHMSI reversed the payment for no reason and never credited my account for the payment. They then charged me a late fee and called me stating that I was delinquent on my payment. I explained what had occurred and advised I would resend the payment. The “customer service” representative I spoke with advised it had been taken care of, but they did nothing. I sent in verifications from my bank account and still nothing has been done.
I ENCOURAGE ANYONE WHO IS HAVING DIFFICULTY WITH THIS COMPANY TO CONTACT THE MR. ROSS, AHMSI, and your elected officials. If you are not certain who represents you, you can go to