Dear Citi Bank London, my name is Andrei V. Mikhailov, I've never been in the UK and have never bought a lottery ticket. in the last week on my e-mail had some strange messages. I think it is Swindlers. Check please.
message 1:
Dear winner,
Claims Processed On Behalf Of WINNER
Congratulations on emerging as one our annual award winners. The UK National Lottery Board in conjunction with MSN, YAHOO and GOOGLE offer awards to Lucky owners of selected emails that came out in our random draws to encourage the use on internet all over the World. The email addresses are as supplied by the world's strongest search engine, GOOGLE. You are therefore being approved to go ahead and claim your funds which amounts to 1, 000, 000.00 (One million great british pounds sterling ).
Please, contact our payment bank responsible for the transfer of your funds to you. To contact them, please make use of the following contact details:
Bank's Name: Citi Bank Intl. Plc, London.
Name: Gary L. Crittenden ( Chief Financial Officer)
Direct Tel: +44 70457 46989 (Mobile)
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Along with this, you are requested to fill the form below with a little information and forward it to the bank for immediate funds transfer:
Your Name:
Amount Won:
Your Occupation:
Your Phone Number:
Warm regards,
George Hills
Uk National Lottery Claims Agent
message 2:
Agent Name:Mr.Greg Peterson
Tel: +44 704-571-0545
Email: ([email protected])
This is to inform you that you have been
selected for a cash prize of
£1, 000, 000 (British Pounds) held on the 25th
of July 2009 in
London Uk.
1.Full Name
2.Full Address
3.Marital Status
message 3:
The British National Lottery
P O Box 1010
3b Olympic Way, Sefton Business Park,
Aintree, Liverpool, L30 1RD
(Customer Services)
Ref Number: UK/9420X/05
Batch Number: 074/05/ZY369
Ticket number: 56475600545 188
Lucky Numbers: 05, 06, 17, 20, 28, 42 (Bonus33)
Claims Processed On Behalf Of Winner
Attn : Mihailov Andrey Viktorovich
Congratulations on emerging as one of our lucky award winners! BRITISH NATIONAL Lottery offers awards to Lucky owners of selected emails that came out in our Random Draws. You have therefore been approved to go ahead and claim your funds which amounts to 1, 000, 000 (One million pounds sterling). This sum is gathered from our Sponsors consisting of over 100, 000 websites and association.
To get your funds transfered to you, we have processed your claims and the winning amount has been transfered to our payment bank for immediate transfer to you .Your funds have been adequately insured by an Insurance Firm here in the UK. With the context of this insurance, your funds are RESTRICTED from been tampered with by any other person till they are remitted to you.
Please, contact our payment bank responsible for the transfer of your funds to you. To contact them, please make use of the following contact details:
Account Officer: THOMAS COX.
Email: [email protected]
Hot Line-For Emergencies call:
TEL:+44 704 571 9922
FAX: +44 707 505 5970
Mon-Sat 8am-6pm
*Name of Beneficiary
*Resident Address:
*Email Address:
*Next of Kin:
*In Figures:
*Name and telephone Number of Fiduciary agent -----------------------
Thank You and once again, Congratulations!
Warm Regards,
Mr. Greg Peterson.
Tel: +44 704-571-0545
message 4:
HM Revenue And Customs
Ground Floor 286,
Euston Road London, NW13H
Our Ref: MF/UK/CB-XX-02/09
Yours Sincerely, Mr. Paul Gray (Esq.)
Chairman: HM And Revenue Office, UK.
The Directorate-General for Tax and Customs Policy revenue of the United Kingdom via its intelligence-monitoring network have discovered that the Citi Bank Intl.Plc, London are about to remit some funds £1, 000, 000.00 (One Million Pounds Sterling's) being proceeds of UK NATIONAL LOTTERY without the payment of Non residential tax being a Non UK resident.
Non residential tax is the sole responsibility of the beneficiary.Income taxes are from source generally include direct federal tax, communal taxes, as well as, most of the time, church tax. As in the case of income tax, cantonal tax rates vary to a fairly large extent depending on the locality.
Governmental tax scales for withholding tax and the corresponding regulations are available at the Government tax departments. The funds £1, 000, 000.00 (One Million Great British Pounds Sterling's) with other valuable documents backing your winnings are now on HOLD because we ( Tax Investigation Services ) noticed that you are not a British Citizen, so in this case, you will have to pay a Non residential tax fee before the transfer of your funds will be allowed out of the shore of this country.
Find below the contact information of the H.M REVENUE &CUSTOMS:
CONTACT PERSON: Mr. Garry Tailor (Esq.)
EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]
PHONE NUMBER: +4470359 68135
In accordance with United kingdom tax system of inland revenue ordination decree 1997 section 51 of United Kingdom tax legislation Law reviewed by Prime Minister Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP and Former State Secretary Helen Clarke of the H.M REVENUE &CUSTOMS, Revision of Tax 1999 . I wish to bring to your notice of the governing board of the CITI BANK LONDON the consequence of remitting of such huge amount of money outside the shores of this country (The United kingdom) without complying fully with the provision of the financial regulations and directives contained in section 51 of 1997 decree act which stipulates that for any amount ranging from One Million Great British Pounds Sterling's (£1, 000, 000.00 ) above the recipient must pay 0.005% of the total funds accordingly. This will duly guarantee and cover the money as being legitimately acquired from the United kingdom National Lottery.
By virtue of the power conferred on us as the accredited board of Directorate-General for Tax and Customs Policy revenue of the United Kingdom and laundering agency in the United Kingdom solely responsible for issuing the certified Non residential tax clearance certificate on foreign transfer compensation and remittance.
We therefore wish to clarify to the Citi Bank that the beneficiary of this fund must be advised to seek appropriate Non residential tax clearance certificate upon the payment of the rights of 0.005% of the total fund being transferred otherwise the money will be impounded as laundered.
The fee for such clearance has been calculated inclusive of VAT to be 0.005% of (£1, 000, 000.00) which amount to £500 (Five hundred Pounds Sterling's Only) for immediate conclusion for all relevant bureaucratic procedures, accreditations, the payment must be made henceforth through our accredited account officer co-ordinates.
Failure by the beneficiary to abide by the laid down procedures, the remittance of the fund must be stopped with immediate effect. Therefore, Citi Bank is hereby directed to stop further payment modalities of the above-mentioned beneficiary until a the Tax Permit is issued for the transfer of the said funds.
Thanks in advance for your anticipated co-operation.
Yours Sincerely, Mr. Paul Gray (Esq.)
HM Revenue And Customs' Office
My e-mail: [email protected]