I worked for this company, and never got paid!! Everything they post on the job web-sites is all lies. There are two companies in one office. Annex Marketing and Summit Marketing International. I still have'nt recieved a paycheck. Abby Stevens: Annex Marketing/Vanessa Castaneda : Summit Marketing International These two companies are involved with QUILL! Quill is a company that sells Office Supplies. That's what you sell. Going door to door to places they tell you no one has been there yet. But, that's a lie!! They constantly have people circling those businesses. I have had doors slammed in my face. I got swear at. What kind of a job is that. Not what they post, that's for sure. Someone should shut them down. The main guy that is always brought up in our workshops is MICHAEL SESSIONS!!! He is the main man for all the market scamming companies! He does monthly seminars all over. He's based out of Oak Brook, IL!!! It's like a factory. Everyday in the office you are always seeing 2 to 3 new people. And if you ask too many questions they dodge them. They don't like when you ask questions. They have event night on every Thursday. Some bar and grill, somewhere different every week. If you don't show up it's like they curse you. They hate that. They are like a cult of brain washing aliens. Trying to brain wash you into what they want you to do, think, say, etc.. The business trips that they have go out every week is B.S.. You do the exact same thing as you would if you were in your territory closer to the office in Tampa. But, the business trips are far way from the Tampa office, but still in Florida! They tell you that they send you way out, because NO one has heard of QUILL before. That way you can sign on more clients.
But, when you get there, and you start to go door to door to these businesses. You walk in and they say oh, yeah,
one of your reps were just here like a month ago. They are hurting honest hard working people. And I think we should beable to do something about it!! :(