I signed up for the MonaVie business earlier this year. I worked hard to try to build up the business and invested thousands of dollars to try to make it a success.
The MonaVie "Blue Diamond Executives" here in Gainesville Florida, Anthony McKnight and his wife Sherrie have conned me to continue to invest my time and money in MonaVie snake oil and told me I would be wealthy within a year if I worked hard. This is nothing but a pyramid scheme.
Anthony McKnight did nothing but lie to me from the very beginning and made fraudulent misrepresentations so that I would continue to be conned into investing my money in MonaVie.
Everything Anthony McKnight told me are lies. I now know he was interested in me so that I would buy more MonaVie products from him to further his MonaVie distributorship. All he wanted was my money.
The main headquarters MonaVie company (www.monavie.com) is horrible. They reward a lying thief like ANthony McKnight who cons money out of hard working trusting people.
I hope Anthony McKnight and his Acaiberry Company gets shut down and he gets thrown into prison before he continues to hurt other people.