I answered this man's posting on Craigslist (1st mistake) advertising to actors/artists for PR and publicity/media expansion. We met once, started to brainstorm ideas for promoting me as an actor in the Chicago/regional market (i.e. radio, newspaper, internet, etc.) and never heard from him again! Called, (left VM's) emailed REPEATEDLY and never heard ANYTHING back. Then, as luck (or I call it, karma) would have it, I ran into him almost a year later and when I confronted him about blowing me off as a client, he said he "got hit by a car and lost all of his contacts." HUH?!? I asked him if he still had the same telephone number, he replied yes. Then I asked him if he ever got any of my emails and he asked me what email address I was sending them to (umm, the one you gave me when we first signed on together) and he replied, "I don't use that anymore and I haven't checked it in months." What?!?
Of course I gave him my address and demanded him to send my money back or I was going to warn the woman running the meeting we were both attending about his practices and my experience with him. And wouldn't you know it, as soon as the meeting was over, he BOLTED out of the building.
DO NOT EVER, EVER, EVER hire this man to do anything media related for you in the field of arts, finances or whatever, cause he will take your money and never return your calls or emails. He may even CHANGE his email address on you!
His Linkedin site looks very professional and makes him look like he's a pro. But I should've known, when it came down to references, he didn't have many in my field, and their responses were that "he really didn't do anything." There are much better PR/Publicists out there who genuinely care and want to help. My advice is go to a firm who you know has helped someone in your field in the past.