I wish to formally notify you that, as a participant in your course offering instruction in making natural perfumes, I have found your conduct in the supply and administration of said course to be unprofessional, uninformative, and an utter disappointment to me as a student. Furthermore, you have failed on two key points: your method of teaching and managing the course and its students is unprofessional, ineffective, and offensive; and your attitude towards myself as a student is rude, arrogant, hurtful, and completely inappropriate within the normal context of a student-teacher relationship. Furthermore I believe you have failed in your duty of care in
providing a service, and as such I wish to formally notify you that it is my intention to cease participation in your class with immediate effect, and to seek a full refund for the cost of the course as well as any and all additional costs, legal or otherwise, necessary to obtain said refund, through whatever means necessary, including legal means, as well as other 'creative' means. Also when I made a formal complaint I was told to un enroll from the class website and leave the class website. Cost of the course 800.00 USD