APioneer Moving Systems moved us in June 2007. They wrapped most of our furniture in plastic sheeting, which took a tremendous amount of time, cost a great deal of money, and did not protect our goods. There was damage to almost every piece of furniture that was moved, as well as to floors and walls in our newly renovated home. Clothing was thrown into wardrobe boxes instead of being hung on the racks. Mirrors and fragile items were broken. After filing a complaint with the company's subcontracted Claims Department (Claims Processing Center, 1324 Forest Ave., PMB 445, Staten Island, NY 10302), and going through a time-consuming process of submitting documentation and photos, we never received a final determination from the claims people. Numerous calls to both the moving company and the claims department, including calls from our attorney, were never answered.
We finally took the case to Small Claims Court and nobody from the movers showed up, so we won a judgment against them. That was three months ago, and they have not paid any of the money owed to us. We now have to try to find out where their assets are so that we can get the Sheriff''s Office to execute the judgment. APioneer Movers' utter lack of respect or concern for their customers, and their misrepresentation of their services and complaint process, should warn anyone against using them for a move.