Apple Computer is rotten! I purchased a custom configured $2,000 Apple Mac Book online back in November 2007. When I got it I turned it on, and it functioned badly with a kernal panic which they so-called fixed and now recently a faulty hard drive. I had an argument with the store employees and they almost kicked me out of the store! I told them that they sold me a lemon computer online and it never worked since I first got it! The store won't give me a replacement because they don't stand behind their product because it wasn't bought in the store it was bought online and they guarantee their products online. The computer was shipped directly from China and they obviously did NOT check it before it left the factory.
This is totally unacceptable! They did offer to install a new hard drive under the warranty and failed to pay for the data transfer and said I had to pay for an external hard drive for $139.00 to store the data and that it was my responsibility to transfer the data and not theirs.