Apply Knowledge Institute

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Category: Websites

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206 east 860 south, Orem, Utah, United States

Phone number: 866-716-3099

Apply Knowledge Institute Reviews

Gloria P November 17, 2010
scam and misleading
Want to let you know that Apply Knowledge Institute and their associates have scammed me out of $3, 000.00. They promise you grant money that is available to you and you would also receive grant money within 30-45 days. This company misleads you into this program and other programs they offer. You talk to so many different people. I have contacted and requested a refund but still no answer. I have the contract that they sent and wanted me to sign, but I didn't sign it. When I talked to a man named David Sellers, he wanted me to sign it and return it back with a notice of cancellation. I will not sign it . This probably another way for them to say that I signed and agreed to the contract. So beware of this company. They also go by many company names. Kevin Sonnenberg is the president and CEO but never talked to him.
WastePaint November 10, 2010
Not delivering what they promised
This company contacted me and charged me a sum of $5200 to make me an instant success in an internet based business selling goods. They promised to make back my money in the first 30-35 days, this has not happened. Six months later and I have not even recovered 1/5 of the money I paid out. They are thieves. I have complained to numerous people in the organisation and have never in my life been treated so poorly. The person that you speak to does not listen to you they talk over you and engage in personal insults. These people knowingly steal money from unsuspecting people, they promise to teach you how to make money on the internet and do not deliver this.
Sad and Confused August 31, 2010
Misleading Sales Techniques
Wow - add another name to their other aliases, Fortune Learning Systems, ICI Success, Ivy Capital. All one and the same. Beware of them because they are very skilled salesmen who talk a good game but don't deliver. Evidently, they have different prices for different people based on your available credit. Don't be taken like I was. Run - don't walk - away from any of the above mentioned names. They are only interested in your money. They tell you they want you to be their "Success Story" but believe me, they really don't care at all. Otherwise, why would there be so many complaints about them on the Complaints Board. Do Not Believe Them. They will just get your money like they got mine.
Patricia Steele August 25, 2010
Coaching/Website Design
They advertise as an educational course to teach how to set up a web site, acquire products for your website, and market the website with coaching once a week. Ha!!! The coaching is almost non-existent. And the website is a template that is out of date with multiple errors in it. I have found out $12, 500 later that Google won't even pick up the website because they have sold so many of the same damaged template. And I thought I checked them out first. Now I am finding all of these complaints showing up just like mine. I never thought I would fall for a scam.
walter6969 June 1, 2010

We receive aprox. 500 profiles/day, and through a qualification process based off your profile and this conversation we select about 2% to work with one on one for the next 12 months, AND we give them access to our network and contacts that we have developed over the past 9 years, which in turn creates a great income for you, knowledge you get keep for life, or pass on to who you please. And it also creates a phenomenal success story that we will want to use to promote our company. You guys ok with that? Great!

So, let’s get into the details of this program and see if you can overcome the hurdles it will take to work with us. On a fresh sheet of paper, I’m going to have you write down the four elements that it takes to be successful, and to qualify to work with one of our mentors.

First, at the top of your fresh sheet of paper, write down the word

v TIME – Leave some writing room below each of these

v Next, write down the word MONEY

v Below that write down KNOWLEDGE

v Finally and most important, under that write down COMMITMENT

Now, if I put my name on some ones file I take it very seriously! They are my success stories and it reflects on me. So, if you can overcome these four things I’ll feel comfortable inviting you in AND I can guarantee the program. If not, meaning if one of these things is NOT a fit, I’ll explain why and we’ll part as friends. On that same note, if you feel that one of these things is not a fit it’s VERY important that you just tell me, “it’s not a good fit.” Sound fair? Good.

Now next to TIME, write down, minimum 5 to 10 hours per week. Now, obviously we can’t supply you with TIME, but we can make sure that every second you put in is 100% effective so you are not spinning your wheels or wasting time. So, are you are willing to put in at least 5 to 10 hours a week? Then I want you to circle TIME because you are able to overcome that.

Now, moving down to MONEY, next to money I want you to write down the letters OPM. This stands for “other people’s money.” Just because it takes money to make money, that doesn’t mean it has to be your money. For instance, when you deposit your money in the bank, that doesn’t make it the bank’s money does it? But, what do they do with your money? That is right; they invest your money to make money for themselves. Have you ever learned to use the banks money to make you money? Well, if I can show you a strategy called Capitol Leveraging that will allow you to finance this program and get your business running without using any money out of pocket, is that something you would be open to? Okay I’ll show you, but first I want you to write down these price points. $9, 250 $11, 500 $14, 850 Now all of this is going to be hypothetical because nether of us have decided if this is a good fit, but for the stake of understanding it bare with me. Okay?

He then explains that Credit Card gives us 30 days of working together free and clear, and then 30 days down the road we will have a minimum payment due of $200. Now this $200(min payment) represents you Cost of doing business?, or your overhead and this is why SO MANY individuals and even large companies are attracted to the Internet, it has very little if any overhead. I mean, if you and I were to go into business together and start say a…. a restaurant. How much would you say we are looking to start? Right we are looking at $100, 000K + just to START, then we have to hire people, PAY people, get insurance and employee benefits, buy inventory and the list goes on and on. I’m sure you get the point so back to OUR overhead. So because of credit card 1 we have the first 30 days of working together on them and now we have a min payment of $200 due. On average it takes 60-90 days to get your business completely paying for itself. Now if you are only clearing $2, 000 A MONTH we’re moving in the right direction and we’re making money right? Right, that’s $1, 600 a month you didn’t have before correct? But, that’s 60-90 days and we are only at 30, so I also see you have a Chase Visa correct? Are you familiar with a Blance Transfer? Good then you understand that this can

give us another 30 days free and clear, so now we’re 60 days in with no money out of pocket. A lot of times this is enough time but in the instance that it’s not we can repeat that step back to the first card or to another and bump us up to 90 days or even 120. See, you have the credit available to leverage the investment as long as we need, but we don’t want you to do that. Just long enough so that the business is paying for itself and you aren’t paying out of pocket. Does that make sense?

As soon as your business is paying for itself we recommend you put 80% of your profits to pay off the LOC and pay yourself 20% at that rate the card is paid off really quick and then what do we have? Right! A 100% profitable business!!! That’s where we want to be right? Most companies take YEARS to do that, some never do it ever, and we’re going to do it in months. Is that okay with you?

Do you understand that strategy and what Capitol Leverage is?

Okay, so away from the hypothetical stuff, provided the rest of this makes since, meaning the knowledge is of value, the commitments are good on both sides, and I invite you in, are you comfortable using this strategy to get your business started today? Then I want you to circle MONEY because you can definitely overcome that as well.

So, at this point, we have overcome the hurdles of both TIME and MONEY. These are two things we cannot supply for you.

Now, moving down to the KNOWLEDGE, we can supply 100% of that. But, there are a couple of things that we need in order for this knowledge to work for you.

The first thing I want you to write down TEACHABILITY. In other words, when you go to college, you pay for your books, you pay for your tuition, but that doesn’t mean that you pass the class, correct? You have to be teachable enough to complete your assignments and do your homework. The same goes for this program. We can answer all your questions and supply you with all the knowledge and direction that you need; but, we cannot do your business for you. So, do you feel you’re teachable enough to implement the strategies we teach? Good.

The second thing I want you to write down is PROCRASTANATION. In business, especially an online business, PROCRASTINATION and INDECISION will lose you more money than a WRONG DECISION ever will. We can tell you what decisions we would make, regardless; we cannot make your decisions for you. Do you feel that you are teachable enough to make decisions based on facts and figures as opposed to emotions? Good.

Now, the second thing, as far as decision making; comes down to you and me. I have to make the final decision as to who we work with on this “team” and who we don’t. I don’t base my decision on emotions or whether I like you or not. I base it on the FACTS. In other words, if you can overcome TIME, MONEY, KNOWLEDGE, and COMMITMENT; then I don’t have to hope or wish you’ll be successful. I PLAN ON IT! It is just like baking a cake. If you have all the right ingredients, and you follow the recipe, you get the desired end result every time, the same goes for internet business. If you do it right, you make money. In a moment, I’m going to go through the KNOWLEDGE and TOOLS which you are investing into and the COMMITMENTS that we need from you so we can guarantee this program - - at that time, if it makes sense to you, AND I feel you would be successful, I will extend you an opportunity to work with one of our mentors for the next 12 months.

Once I do that, all I ask from you, is that you are able to make a decision based on the facts. It doesn’t matter to me if the decision is, yes or no, as long as we can make a decision. If the decision is YES, we’ll take care of the investment we’ve talked about and committing to your success and never looking back. Is that fair enough for you? Good.

Then let’s get into the KNOWLEDGE and what we provide for this investment.

The first thing under KNOWLEDGE I want you to write down is 12 months of personalized mentoring. That means you would be assigned the same mentor for the next 12 months. This mentoring is done over the PHONE, FAX and EMAIL and is broken up into a couple of different phases over the next year. The first phase is the “proactive phase.” Write that down. This phase will consist of 12 scheduled sessions on the phone over the next 12 to 16 weeks. The average session is half an hour to 45 minutes. Consider this to be your classroom time, if you will. These sessions are scheduled between you and your mentor and are based around your schedule. Now in between these appointments as you are working on your site and doing auctions you are going to have questions, you will also have access to our mentoring hotline. All we ask is that you ask these questions immediately so that we can move forward in the next session. We never want you out there with a question not knowing exactly what to do!! The focus of the proactive phase is to hold your hand, so to speak, and walk you through this process. Also, at the end of the proactive phase we want to have you in a position so that we can loosen the grip on your hand so to speak, and have you in a position where you now understand how things work. Does that make sense?

Now, the “reactive phase” is for the remainder of the 12 months. During this time, instead of our contacting you pro-actively you will be contacting us pro-actively on a “NEED TO” basis. In other words, if one week you’re working on multiple projects, you may be e-mailing your coach all week long. The next week, if you don’t have any questions, you don’t have to contact us. During this time, you’re going to find that emailing is the most effective means of communication. The focus of the reactive phase is not only to walk you through as many deals as possible; but, also to have you in a position at the end of these 12 months where you are sick and tired of working with us. That means that WE have done our part, and YOU have done yours.

So, when it comes to the coaching, do you feel like you could learn in this manner? Good. Then circle 12 MONTHS OF COACHING, because this is the most important thing that we offer.

First I want you to write down E WEALTH RESEARCH TOOL. As we are developing your website we want you making money immediately. What product would be the first you would launch on eBay? What time would you be selling this item? How much would you sale this item for?

Those are questions that people will be asking themselves when they first start. The great thing is that we are going to be able to eliminate the mistakes for you. There are currently about 1.7 million people doing auctions on eBay. Not a bad market huh? What this tool does is actually go out and let those people make the mistakes for you. Let’s say for example we are going to be selling women’s pants. The first thing you would do is type in women’s pants and it will bring up the top 5 pants sold on eBay. Not only that, you will be able to see when is the best time to auction this item, and at exactly what price it will sell at what % of the time!! It also lets you know if it’s better to have the item be a fixed price or an auction or with a buy it now. It takes all of the guesswork out and ensures your success. Does that make sense? Give Ex. If needed.

When students come aboard they get access to OUR wholesalers. We already have a network of over 500 wholesalers and drop-shippers so that you can pick a product, then use your research tool. Now you can set your price say 10% lower than competitors AND set your products to sell at the same time as the bulk of that product. Think we’re going to sell something?

It basically makes sure you are successful with this!!

The developer of this software took 40 or 50 Gold Power Sellers, which means they are making at least $15k a month on eBay doing auctions. These are experienced people making money already. She tapped them in with her software you will be using and they on average had a 40% increase in profits. The top seller actually increased by 80%! And these are people who have been doing this for years. You will have this working for you from the beginning!!

Can you see this tool helping you take out all of the guessing work and making sure you are going to be successful? Great

Next I want you to write down E Wealth Web Lister. This takes all the pain out of selling items on eBay. Have you ever posted something on EBay? How long did it take? This simply puts your items at auction with a handful of clicks rather than having to spend the time with hundreds of clicks Time is money, right? This allows you to have more time putting together new auctions. You are actually able to click on items on YOUR web page and have them automatically posted on EBay with just a few clicks. The Lister gives you a description of all required fields (for example “headline” “sub-title”) AND THEN gives you example key words and example phrases. That way you’re not just trying to figure it out.

And my personal favorite function of the Lister is the Reoccurring event button!! This way when you find your SUPER successful auction items you can set it to RE-list and start your auction at that same time every week or even everyday!! This allows you to spend doing other things like making your site better while continuing to make money.

Or even time on back end marketing. For example once we have someone that buys for example a tent. We will now be building a clientele. Now we can go back with email campaigns and sell that tent buyer fishing gear or a lantern or whatever you find you have the best margins on using your research tool. Someone that buys earrings from you we can go back and sell bracelets too. What this will do is establish and build a network of buyers. These same people will come and look at you and your store before they go and make the next purchase. Thus we are creating a passive income that we don’t have to continue working for!! Can you see how this tool would help you become more successful? Great!

Next I want you to write down E Wealth Web Builder. This is going to be another amazing tool! It is the simplest and the most in depth web builder on the market. What this does is take someone with no web design experience in his or her entire life and help him or her build their own websites. It makes web building so easy with simple point and click features that you will be able to build your own sites with no previous experience!

Site look and Feel

Edit Page

Store Manager

Site Stats

Live Chat Resource Center M-F 8-6 MST

It also eliminates you having to pay a web master $50k a year to manage and run your sites. It gives you complete control over your own sites and makes it easy. Can you see that working for you? Good.

Go ahead and write down SEO MARKETING FOUNDATION. Now as you are making money on your auctions on eBay and creating a massive clientele base we also want to focus on getting your site the attention it deserves. This is our long term plan for your website and this will create passive income and repeat buyers. The SEO Marketing Foundation helps you learn how to build content on your webpage that search engines respond too so you are showing up higher on searches. The higher you show up the more people you get to the site. Every 90 days each search engine goes out and re-lists who is coming up with more content for the keywords that are being typed in. Within 90 days we want you coming up that list. With each 90 days we want you higher and higher on each search. This in turn continues to get more and more people to your site. Then the focus becomes how to we get more people to buy. Does that make sense?

Remember we have already built over 500 wholesalers and drop shipper’s relationships that you can begin working with immediately. Our goal is to have your business paying for itself as soon as possible

Now go ahead and circle SEO Marketing Foundation if you can see how this will help you!

The last thing I want to talk about in the KNOWLEDGE section, which is also included in your investment, is your ASSET and TAX PROTECTION. This is designed to help you keep and protect more of the money and assets you acquire. I want you to write down the name of these materials. Write down “Asset Protection Made Easy (ENTITY SET UP).”

First, I want to talk about the tax protection side of this. Inside these materials there will be what is called an “entity setup”. In other words, you will be setting up a corporation through which you will do all of your business. .

The Corporation allows you a variety of “Tax Deductions.” In other words, it allows you to keep more of the money you make. In this country, it is not just how much you make, it is how much you keep as well; would you agree? Not only is this $14, 850 investment tax deductible as a business start-up cost, many of the things that you are already spending money on can become tax deductible as well. There are also many other creative ways you can save taxes while running your own business. These materials will teach you every aspect of this. So, not only will this business pay for itself through the business that you do, but, it will pay for itself over and over again through the taxes it will save you.

The aspects of KNOWLEDGE we provide are:

q 12 months mentoring





If they correlate with what you feel you need to learn, I want you to circle KNOWLEDGE.

On your page, we should now have TIME, MONEY, and KNOWLEDGE circled. These are the three major hurdles that hold people back. It is kind of like wanting to get in shape. You can go to the gym and learn how to use the equipment, learn how to eat better and drink more water, but that doesn’t mean you are going to get in shape, does it? You have to commit to doing it on a daily basis. The same goes for internet business. Now, let’s move down to the COMMITMENT section. I’m going to go over the five commitments that we need in order to work with someone and guarantee this program. These are not difficult commitments, but they are commitments; and commitment is the common denominator between SUCCESS and FAILURE. If you are OK with these commitments, I won’t have any problem extending you an opportunity to come aboard this team.

· The first commitment we have already talked about is TIME. Five to ten hours per week minimum. And, you can commit to that, correct? Good!

· The second commitment is that you keep your scheduled appointments with your coach. In other words, if you need to re-schedule, and it is not an emergency, give us 24 hours advance notice so we can be there to help someone else, fair enough?

· The third commitment is that you implement the strategies we teach. Once again, we will tell you exactly what, where and how to do it, but we cannot do it for you. This knowledge works universally, but only if it’s applied. Just like when going to college.

· Now, the fourth and final commitment pertains to the assignments that will be given to you each week by you mentor. You must document each and every week, what your assignments are, and what you have done to complete them. This needs to be emailed here to our office once a week, so we can follow your progress. We want to make sure we are not going to fast or too slow! The email address will be listed in your activation documents. Do you feel you can commit to doing that?

So, as far as these four commitments go, do you feel like you could commit to all four? Good.

Now, I want to explain our “GUARANTEE OF SERVICE.” If you keep these four commitments over the next 12 months, and do not at least DOUBLE your INITIAL investment; we will continue to work with you pro-actively, at our own expense, until you do. I want you to know that in 9 years we have never had to work with any of our students beyond 12 months, and we should never have to. Regardless, it shouldn’t hurt your feelings that we guarantee your education. Right? If these commitments and guarantee make sense, I want you to circle COMMITMENT on your page.

Now, you should have TIME, MONEY, KNOWLEDGE and COMMITMENTS circled. Is that correct? Good, then I have a couple of questions for you:

· If I were to extend you the opportunity to come aboard, and work with us for the next 12 months, is this something you think you could do? Good.

· If I were to extend you that opportunity, is this something you would not only want to, but would be excited to take advantage of? Great!

Then I want to say, on behalf of myself and our entire team, CONGRATULATIONS and welcome aboard our “success team”.

I’m going to put you on hold for a minute and put your file together. I’ll be right back to get some information from you. In order to get you registered, I need you to grab the highest interest rate card for the initial investment and I’ll be right back in a moment; and once again, congratulations and welcome aboard, I’m excited for you.

We will be over-night expressing, as well as emailing your “activation kit”. In this kit, there will be a welcome letter, a copy of the commitments, a copy of the invoice, and some other documents for you to review and sign. Fill out and return the documents to the fax number or email address provided; whichever is more convenient. Once we receive those documents back, you will be hearing from the mentoring department within 24 to 48 hours for your initial contact and to schedule your first appointment. What is the best time to reach you in the next couple of days?

Now, the last step is, I’m going to transfer you through to my verification department and for your, and our, protection, she will record the conversation and make sure that I didn’t give you any earning’s claims. In other words, I didn’t tell you that you were going to become a millionaire next week just by investing in our program. Also, she will verify your shipping address and the credit card number so keep that handy. A couple of other things she will verify, and I just want you to be aware of it, and this is obviously common sense, but it is my job to cover it with you, number one, we cannot GUARANTEE a SPECIFIC dollar amount on any SPECIFIC deal by any SPECIFIC time, in other words, I don’t know how much I am going to make on my online business, let alone yours. The second thing I want to cover with you is, because the information and materials that we provide are proprietary, and non-recoverable, there is a no cancellation and no refund policy. What this means is, we can’t have you come aboard this team and then 12 months down the road when you are fully educated, turn around and sell our products on the internet, and then cancel your program. We would obviously go out of business that way, right? And we can’t have that. So the point is that if your not 100% committed to this, you shouldn’t come aboard in the first place, correct? This way we have a vested interest in each other, and that is why as a company we have such a high success rate. So does that make sense? Ok Great.

My secretary is going to verify that information with you. This way you will be assured everything is correct when you get your activation kit.

Okay, she will give you a call within the next few minutes to verify everything with you.

Irene44 May 23, 2010
Highly Professional Scam Artists
I want to apologise in advance for this long compliant but I want everyone to understand how this outfit works so they are armed and ready for them, if ever they are unfortunate enough to run into them.
I am trying to find other people out there that feel they may have been mislead by the marketing and promotional tactics imploded within the many interfaces of Applied Knowledge Institute such as eVertex Solutions, LJW Corporation, My Financial Software My Business Kit to name the ones my research has thrown up.
They appear to have a very professional system set up whereby a reassuring, polite and what comes across as a very concerned staff member contacts you and arranges a telephone appointment which they are very insistent that your partner attends with you. BUT NOTE: they will not tell you who the company actually are in advance so you do not have time, are presence of mind to research them first. Instead they quote we are an Accredited Business with the Better Business Bureau and this means their credentials are second to none.
They very skilfully ply you with the suggestion that they know by talking to you, and how you have answered key questions that you are hard working people who want to do well by their family and are just the sort of people that meet with their company profile and ethics. They leave you with the suggestion that not everyone is chosen and it is a very stringently regulated process, but if you are asked to come aboard they will provide with an opportunity to sort out your financial issues, provide your family with financial security and a residual income.
For all of that they simply ask that you be willing to allow them to use your success story to show others, and further claim to back all of this up with a personal assurance that if you do everything that is requested of you and you are not in profit by the end of their course they will stay with you until you are so what do you have to lose.
When you are desperate to find work and a means to care for your family and someone appears to offer you a life line your mind is not always in a place where it analysis’s everything clearly. I am ashamed to say that myself and my husband where sucked in. Instead of taking the adage that if something sounds to good to be true it usually is, we focused on the reassurance of a person called Jeff Nielson. He maintained that we would have his personal backing and he would follow our progress and if any issues ever arose he would be only to happy to help.
We told him that we were already financially strapped and had used all our savings over the last year to keep afloat he continued with his pitch that we could use the system that he called leverage by using what credit facilities we had left to join Applied Knowledge Institute.
They would then get us get off to a flying start, with their $200 dollars a day programme so that we would very quickly be back in profit. He also stated that when it came time to start paying the credit card bills he would help us transfer it unto a credit card that offered interest free payments and that was affiliated to him so it wouldn’t be a problem he give us the web address for this as proof that it was a real business. He then pasted us over to credit control I believe his name was Justin and he would go over the contract with us. Justin told me that this part of the process was going to be recorded, ( I really hope it was) as during that process I voiced my concerns about being sure the credit card thing was real etc he said he didn’t know anything about that but he would pass me back to Mr Neilson for confirmation after he had completed our call. Mr Neilson did not come to the phone after I had signed up...
I am now in my 3rd week of a 16 week programme with Applied Knowledge Institute and I honestly just want my money back everything I have learnt so far I could have picked up watching blogs about ebay on uTube.
I am from Northern Ireland and have discovered very quickly that drop shippers do not want to ship for me due to the legalities of being within the United Kingdom but not part of the mainland. When I say anything to my coach he says I am not trying and to search the internet to find ones that will. He then gives me my homework watch these webinars and write down a list of things you want to market etc. In my opinion its a complete defence tactic to make it seem likes it me not wanting to follow the programme so they can then claim I didn’t follow their instructions and that’s why I didn’t succeed.
We paid for this service with our credit cards, money we did not have, we went for the full package and paid over £12, 600 over $15, 500 dollars as a last ditch effort to save our home and our family.
I now spend my days in tears neither of us are sleeping and I am worried to the point that I think it might be best for my family if I was dead because at least the insurance cover would pay the mortgage as long as it looked like an accident.
If anyone can show me a way to get my money back then please contact me at this email address - [email protected]

Note The strangest thing has just happened i filed this same report on another website as I want as many people as possible to know what is going on here and I got a call from a guy who says his name was Biune from Apply knowledge Institute and he wanted to know if everything was going ok when I responded that it wasn’t all of a sudden the call ended...
Irene Steenson May 22, 2010
Clever Scam
I want to apologise in advance for this long compliant but I want everyone to understand how this outfit works so they are armed and ready for them, if ever they are unfortunate enough to run into them.
I am trying to find other people out there that feel they may have been mislead by the marketing and promotional tactics imploded within the many interfaces of Applied Knowledge Institute such as eVertex Solutions, LJW Corporation, My Financial Software My Business Kit to name the ones my research has thrown up.
They appear to have a very professional system set up whereby a reassuring, polite and what comes across as a very concerned staff member contacts you and arranges a telephone appointment which they are very insistent that your partner attends with you. BUT NOTE: they will not tell you who the company actually are in advance so you do not have time, are presence of mind to research them first. Instead they quote we are an Accredited Business with the Better Business Bureau and this means their credentials are second to none.
They very skilfully ply you with the suggestion that they know by talking to you, and how you have answered key questions that you are hard working people who want to do well by their family and are just the sort of people that meet with their company profile and ethics. They leave you with the suggestion that not everyone is chosen and it is a very stringently regulated process, but if you are asked to come aboard they will provide with an opportunity to sort out your financial issues, provide your family with financial security and a residual income.
For all of that they simply ask that you be willing to allow them to use your success story to show others, and further claim to back all of this up with a personal assurance that if you do everything that is requested of you and you are not in profit by the end of their course they will stay with you until you are so what do you have to lose.
When you are desperate to find work and a means to care for your family and someone appears to offer you a life line your mind is not always in a place where it analysis’s everything clearly. I am ashamed to say that myself and my husband where sucked in. Instead of taking the adage that if something sounds to good to be true it usually is, we focused on the reassurance of a person called Jeff Nielson. He maintained that we would have his personal backing and he would follow our progress and if any issues ever arose he would be only to happy to help.
We told him that we were already financially strapped and had used all our savings over the last year to keep afloat he continued with his pitch that we could use the system that he called leverage by using what credit facilities we had left to join Applied Knowledge Institute.
They would then get us get off to a flying start, with their $200 dollars a day programme so that we would very quickly be back in profit. He also stated that when it came time to start paying the credit card bills he would help us transfer it unto a credit card that offered interest free payments and that was affiliated to him so it wouldn’t be a problem he give us the web address for this as proof that it was a real business. He then pasted us over to credit control I believe his name was Justin and he would go over the contract with us. Justin told me that this part of the process was going to be recorded, ( I really hope it was) as during that process I voiced my concerns about being sure the credit card thing was real etc he said he didn’t know anything about that but he would pass me back to Mr Neilson for confirmation after he had completed our call. Mr Neilson did not come to the phone after I had signed up...
I am now in my 3rd week of a 16 week programme with Applied Knowledge Institute and I honestly just want my money back everything I have learnt so far I could have picked up watching blogs about ebay on uTube.
I am from Northern Ireland and have discovered very quickly that drop shippers do not want to ship for me due to the legalities of being within the United Kingdom but not part of the mainland. When I say anything to my coach he says I am not trying and to search the internet to find ones that will. He then gives me my homework watch these webinars and write down a list of things you want to market etc. In my opinion its a complete defence tactic to make it seem likes it me not wanting to follow the programme so they can then claim I didn’t follow their instructions and that’s why I didn’t succeed.
We paid for this service with our credit cards, money we did not have, we went for the full package and paid over £12, 600 over $15, 500 dollars as a last ditch effort to save our home and our family.
I now spend my days in tears neither of us are sleeping and I am worried to the point that I think it might be best for my family if I was dead because at least the insurance cover would pay the mortgage as long as it looked like an accident.
If anyone can show me a way to get my money back then please contact me at this email address - [email protected]
Taog March 27, 2010
Look out for high pressure and anger, intimidation if you do not buy their plan...they know how to burn the bridges forever...ordered product and never got it...sad situation..a nice gal Mara turned to be not so nice in the end...PPRRESSURRE WOW I really do not believe they will deliver after that on guard for people who lay into you if they do not get your money..thank God we did not go for the Plan? Scam?
almostscammedwhew February 6, 2010
Beware of FRAUD
I spent over 2 hours on the phone with 2 associates from First, Lorne Miller, who was fast talking and presented a great opportunity. Then I was transferred to a supervisor, Anthony Marquez, who was much more interested in talking and asking questions that he already knew the answers to then he was in actually answering any questions that I had. At the end of his long winded sales pitch, he became very upset that I asked for time to think about it. As soon as I started asking questions about his company he got more upset and tried to direct me to the testimonials on When I pulled up this site I began questioning Anthony on the other names that his company goes by. He was immediately upset and tried to get me to go to again. Finally he said, "what do you want me to say?" I said nothing I guess, I am sorry for wasting your time and mostly my own. I am lucky that I didn't fall for this scam, but I am very sorry for those who have. People should not be able to get away with doing this to other people.
Hard worker looking for a decent job January 18, 2010
Internet Business Scam With Many Faces
I have spent the last month attempting to find work online at home. I am a stagehand that lost a well-paying road job when the tour closed. I am home again, and work has been scarce. I was just looking for a way to supplement income while I wait for another show.

One by one, I have been trying these "companies". A former delivery truck driver named Ryan Jackson sold me on his "Automatic Wealth Solution" for a one time fee of $49.99. I paid the money, went to the website, and was given a number to call for some "coaching". I spoke with a nice man named David DaGloria. He represents a company called Apply Knowledge Institute. He starts talking to me about OPM...Other People's Money. Turns out that their definition of that is YOUR CREDIT CARD. They want you to invest thousands of dollars to start your internet company, but you don't even know the product!

Then we have the Jennifer Johnson program. Sharp website. $197 for the kit. Boy, was I sold on this one. On-line lessons. I passed the first two, and was working on the third. These lessons were about making sales on Ebay. I am interested because I would like to use Ebay to sell some stuff we don't need anymore. I get a call from a pushy little brat named Chris Martin. He puts me in touch with a pushier, even more abnoxious man named Calin (spelling?). Again with the OPM. He wanted me to invest at least $6800. I called to schedule an appointment. The answering service mentioned "ICI Success Team". I looked that up on the BBB. F rating. I confronted Calin about it. He said I had the wrong website. He said he worked guessed it. Apply Knowledge Institute. I thought I was paying for a different "system". Turns out that a lot of these "success story" websites steer you to the same "coaches" that work for...that's right...Apply Knowledge Institute!

Apply Knowledge Institute is an accredited BBB online business. They have been in business for nine years, yet they were only accredited LAST JANUARY. They have gone from one business name to another, shedding their past failures like a rattlesnake shedding its skin. By the way ICI Success Team had 117 complaints to the BBB in its last 36 month cycle. ICI simply didn't respond to 30 of them. They had moved on, and probably didn't feel the need.

I went to BBB online to tarnish this "A+" rating that Apply Knowledge Institute's coaches are bragging about. After a four question survey, the BBB requested that I redirect my complaint to the U.S. Dept. of Labor. How convenient for these fat cats! One will have to jump through many hoops to wipe this off the BBB's records. can tell by the length of this complaint that I am not finished with these scam artists. I am going to take them down. Mr. Ken Sonnenberg, President (866)716-3099, I'm gonna gitcha!

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