One Aquaguard Classic Water Filter-cum-Purifier was purchased on 10th july 2005 under exchange offer.After purchasing periodical replacement and chec-up was not done in time besides my several reminders.Again on17th Dec.2006 Mr.J.K.Nayak .
requested me for AMC &I agreed to it.Again the same irregularity was done.After my warning to Mr. JKNayak(9338057259), he appolised for the iregularity.Further AMC was done on 22nd june2008.But replacemnt of carbon was done on 20th feb.2009 in stead of 20th Dec.2008.Further renewal was supposed to be done during the month of june2009.On 21st june 2009 morning a mob. ring came from Jayant Das(9439193921) who expressed himself as a mechanic from Aquaguard wantS to renew the AMC. Iwas out of HQ. by that time, so I instructed my wife to channge accordingly.Subsequently it was found that the mechanic & the parts were duplicate.It was also informed to Mr. Biswal(9437012716), who happens to be the franchise owner.But the matter regret is that, besides no. of irregularities and remiders Mr. Biswal is also not rsponding to my call for the AMC & Change of carbon & candle. PLEASE DO THE NEEDFUL&OBILIGE. Thanking you, Smt. Subrata Mohanty.
JATNI, 752050
04/08/2009 9437491353(m)