Dear Sir
This is A.Ramakrishna from Vijayawada, India. I would like to inform you that my son Mr. A.KrishnaChaitanya is holding a vodaphone mobile ( Mobile No;9703908488). Few days back he had left house without informing us and there is NO message nor call from you. As a parent I am very much worry on him.
I request you to kindly arrange to traceout the mobile. Where presently he is available. If you can help me it is very grateful to me.
If possible could you please arrange to update my either by mail or my mobile . My e-mail id is [email protected] and Mobile No 09701126777.
Or kindly inform me your customer support mobile No. so that I will contact and get the required details.
Kindly help me in this regard.
Thanking your
A. Ramakrishna