I signed over our house that we paid on for over 20 years to my son (in his name only). This was for my grandchildren to have a place to stay without moving around. The mortgage was for $280, 000. His ex-girlfriend is a "Loan Specialist" for Countywide. My son is ignorant of finances, which I found out too late. They were losing the house and she created a loan in her father's name (since her credit is bad) plus took extra money out to move out because they were breaking up. She told my son this would make the payment easier on him, but he didn't know the house was being signed over to her father. When we found this out I told my son that he just sign over the house and it was no longer in his name. We went to an attorney, "#1 In Our County" who would not take a case if they could not win it. They took our case and money. In the end our attorney told us per Coutrywide attorneys that if we didn't drop the case and went to court and lost, that we would be responsbile for their Corporate Lawyer Fees. Our attorney left it on my lap to make the decision right then and there. If I had thought about, I would would have said have Countywide lower the mortage to $300, 000 or we're going to court. I was never given any alternatives by our attorney.
In the meantime, the "Loan Specialist" for Countrywide created about 5 to 6 loans (within a year of two) in her father's name, however, she received the money. She gave a down payment on a house, bought a BMW and took a family trip to Hawaii. My son did not see a penny of that money!!!
It was an interest only loan and after she brought up the loan to about $540, 000, she wanted us to take over the loan!!
I'm a firm believer that nothing good comes out of ill gotten gains.
I feel we were not represented to our best interest by our attorneys.
If anybody cares, call me at 805-276-8933 or 805-483-4949
Mercedes Aranda