Archives.Com/Paypal were both told within 3-4 minutes of joing that the information provided by was 30--40 years old, completely wrong information and I wanted the service
cancelled asap and my $39 refuned.Paypal said I had to wait the 7 days and complain after they charged
me when the whole point of telling Paypal was the Archives.Com would NOT let me cancel and sellls
information that is way.way, decades outdated and incorrect.
Paypal on the 7th day when I was charged then said I had to cancel within 7 days and it wasnt fraud.
Idiot you Paypal told me 3-4 minutes, yes 3-4 minutes after joining that I coundt complain for 7 days and you couldnt cancel then.
I was ripped off for $39 for garbage information and Paypal is a big SCAM that sides with company 90 % of the time.They owe me $39