Armand Budish

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Armand Budish Reviews

Rita June 2, 2011
Running from Responsibilities
In Ohio, despite the Dems taking over the State House, it is just politics as usual - Hillcrest payoffs to Dr. O'Day continuing and unnecessary legal fees to Lt. Gov Lee Fisher's firm = the premier administrative law firm in Columbus for innocent physician Medical Board cases - sometimes for just objecting to the wrong care and not being a 'good' physician patient (allowing ridiculous surgeries, unnecessary exams by extra males, etc). Armand Budish just thinks that no one is interested in the fraud and the ruined female physician lives - the Medical Board has been accumulating false physician disciplines since the early 1990s for stats - so what is one more case or life? - not worth 5 minutes of Speaker's time. Women physicians get the worst of the 'confidential' complaint system as anything can be re-invented into some psychiatric 'making too much, ' ie why I didn't like Dr. Nice has been discussed in Columbus for years now - he's married, doesn't do hand fractures well, and is fat, balding and short. So the Ohio State Medical Board continues as the worst Medical Board in the country. They will fabricate anything even psychiatric diagnoses, cheat on any test and laugh, change or alter any testimony, and change the rules endlessly; 'change' is the name of the game in Ohio - just the wrong kind. Meanwhile, physician lives, families & careers continue ruined with 'confidential' files which are not about patient care - 'confidential' means that no one can face and defend the facts and that the Medical Board can continually 'morph' the facts privately behind the scenes trying to find a case - which they won't share with other state licensing boards for peer review. And if you disagree, that IS an 'impairment' in Ohio. 'Confidential' means that the case can be endless, the appeals useless. This corruption happens in no other of the 50 states. The witnesses are faceless, silent and anonymous - and many are just 'hired guns' - and you can't say this. This 'trying to find a case' has taken 17 years of my life, about orthopedic care that didn't happen, and piles of Ohio taxpayer monies misspent. The Army could have really really used me if my bone condition could have been treated in 1992 - the ARMY SPEAKER BUDISH - but maybe you are not patriotic. There's enough misspent, and continuing misspent, in my case that it could pay the unemployment bills in Ohio for quite a while - just end the daily legal retainer fee. Meanwhile, Speaker Budish is supposed to be trimming the budget of Democratic excesses - even if it means opening Pandora's box for a few weeks to allow some resolution of Medical Board cases which have been going on for decades at the State Medical Board of Ohio - cases that the Dems started with inappropriate appointments to the State Medical Board of Ohio. Accountability is something that should be held up to Speaker Budish, Dr. Carla O'Day, and Lt. Governor Lee Fisher as well as other MDs in Ohio. Dr. O'Day and Lee Fisher apparently know each other well - just another 'business' association from Rocky River Ohio - another 'scam.' When you appoint political, average-Joe or -Jane MDs or DOs, sportsperson-business lay-members, and corporate-trained lawyer-members to the State Medical Board - this inevitably results in dissension in the MD ranks where the average physician justifiably feels that they should be better judged and represented than by Mrs. Celeste's pillow-talk suggestions, the DOs that couldn't get into Medical School or medical residencies, and the business-persons who couldn't pass a college Chemistry course at a community college. Many lawyers have never taken even one college-level science course let alone an -ology course (Microbiology, Osteology, Endocrinology). Many physicians at the Cleveland Clinic are not too happy with Mr. Whitehouse's house. Carla O'Day MD never finished any formal residency training - she caused too much interpersonal trouble every residency she started - so Governor Celeste appointed her to the State Medical Board circa 1990. Governor Strickland's choices haven't been much more objective or merited - seemingly coming from Lee Fisher's mouth, or office, to a Strickland appointment. They will stand up for no one and nothing as Dr. Stephen's office put it - she's not interfering with business as usual. The cases are from 1992-present, and involve physician 'impairments' where the physicians just disagreed with the Medical Board and their 'friends, ' sometimes just over referrals, turf battles where 'general' orthopedics want to TRY to set wrist fractures, and if physicians - when ill with a physical illness - should be allowed 'care-to-function' before their licenses are suspended - as in EVERY other state. This SIMPLE courtesy is allowed every lawyer in Ohio, Drs. Nice, Keith, and even Dr. Keith's boss Dr. Victor Goldberg - but not their female MD colleagues. Physicians don't usually see patients when ill, but in the past have always been able to keep their credentials while healing from a self-limited fracture or thyroid illness - getting the casts, physical therapy, consultations and workup. And the supplemental care is not usually withheld to cover up malpractices or negligence; my case was so the 'statute of limitations' on the inadequate care of Drs. Nice & Keith 'expired' as Mr. Whitehouse puts it. Mr. Whitehouse says that I can't 'sue' anyone anymore, but the crucial case file is still 'confidential' - let's give it up and resolve things fairly guys - some COMMON SENSE. My supposed 'complaint' about Dr. Nice's care was released to the public in 1991 against state law; confidential only applies to women physicians who can't know what the males are complaining about, and my 'case' involved a lot of suggestive innuendo from Dr. Nice's office - that I should watch him play polo, tear down my father's office wall so that he could use the office free, to come to parties, 'come up and see' his 'antique car collection, ' and to 'understand' him as his wife didn't. 1990-2 flirtation at Hillcrest Hospital approved by Dr. Fred Suppes. Then Dr. Keith made sure that I understood that I kept him from good sex at night - his worrying about my fracture case supposedly interfered with his manly performance. Dr. Keith was promised that we wouldn't sue him, but that wasn't enough INSURANCE so I was beaten up in his office to get the 'message.' The 'confidential' problem is DESPERATE - binding outside EXTERNAL review of political Medical Board case decisions is needed. No one is 'in charge, ' or has 'review' power over the present arbitrary Board of political appointees. AND no other state Medical Board allows the investigation of 'confidential' physician complaints like the Ohio State Medical Board, or such arbitrariness. Most states will not investigate 'confidential' complaints against physicians - they expect the complainer to be identifiable and verifiable; the complainer has to justify the case, not the Medical Board. Governor Celeste, in the early 1990s, appointed his wife Dagmar's friends as Members of the State Medical Board of Ohio - with some disastrous physician discipline case results - disciplines for just making too much of bad care of a friend of a Board Member. Mine is one such 'case' - where as a physician I complained about orthopedic care and not being able to get my medical records to the consultants - the complaint dealt with a Dr. Timothy Nice of Mayfield Heights Ohio - who just assumed that I would do all kinds of things for him - personal & professional. DR. NICE DOESN'T HAVE TO REFER, CONSULT, OR SEND COPIES OF PATIENT MEDICAL RECORDS; HE HAS FRIENDS ON THE STATE MEDICAL BOARD OF OHIO AND CAN GET YOUR LICENSE SUSPENDED IF YOU DISAGREE WITH HIM; HE'LL 'SEE THAT YOU NEVER PRACTICE MEDICINE AGAIN' AS HE PUTS IT. And he does. . . The inter-personal stresses, of this colleague referral relationship, were probably one of the reasons that I started fracturing in 1990 - Dr. Nice was always calling even if my parents intercepted. The Medical Board in 1992 had one of Dagmar's friends on it - Dr. Carla O'Day - who stood to benefit from a multi-year mega-bucks Emergency Services contract and Directorship - where Dr. Nice would have to approve/award Dr. O'Day's group the bid, and she was besides a close 'personal' and 'professional' business friend of his. ER Directorships are 6-7 per annum figure jobs depending on the hospital(s). Dr. O'Day was not 'objective' about anyone disagreeing with Dr. Nice - or any holdup in her contract - and she didn't sign off her running of the case against me until the last vote - until she was sure that any complaints against Dr. Nice would not be investigated - he's 'protected' by the State Medical Board of Ohio. And REMINDER: Dr. O'Day was in the Medical School Class ahead of me at CWRU, and actually I took a year off and should have been in her class - so she's my 'competition' from day#1. The case involved no patient complaints - merely that I was 'impaired' that I disagreed with Dr. Nice who shouldn't have been caring for my wrist, or fractures, anyways. Dr. Nice is a hip and knee surgeon by practice and experience, ie no small joints, hands or feet person. But he does have cast materials for temporary casting and a phone line to Cleveland Clinic - which he misuses. The case against me was fixed, even an inkblot Rorschach test was cheated on (which shouldn't be used for anything except movie scripts), and piles of misinformation, hearsay and innuendo were acted upon. At one point I supposedly had a gun, and Gates Mills is not Alaska, and then was carrying 'pink bombs' = hand weights from a sporting goods store - which those lay Members should know about. The impairment: I made too much of admittedly bad, boys being boys, orthopedic care = not an 'impairment' to medical practice in any other state - where this kind of 'care' is not allowed. This isn't a psychiatric impairment either; women are supposed to be able to say 'No' to drugs, sex with married men with two children, and the wrong medical or orthopedic care = autonomous patient consent which is not allowed in Ohio. Even every conflict of interest in the book is not a 'conflict' for the Ohio Medical Board: Dr. Carla O'Day led the charge, even though she was in the class ahead of me at Medical School (as Carla Streepy, the Magistrate's wife). No Ohio State Medical Board Member has to admit any conflicts-of-interest or contract/appointee payments/consulting jobs on the side. No disclosures of tax/bank records. Governor Taft tried to get the case opened by having Dr. O'Day investigated internally in 2005 - it didn't work - the Democrats found some unpaid for golf games. Lt. Governor Lee Fisher's ex-law firm Hahn Loeser Parks LLP profited hugely from all the false discipline cases in the 1990s; 7-figure profits at least, not a few holes of golf. Lee Fisher and Carla only deal with 6-7-8 figures and up. Lee Fisher now wants to run to replace Voinovich in the US Senate with all those physician monies. Speaker Budish thinks that the Ohio State Medical Board will self-correct, admit their wrong, dismiss the case after 17 years and return my medical license? - all without some changes in legislation and Membership - which hasn't happened so far. Or I should just go along with the failed appeals; but going along with constantly changing conditions and procedures has been insane in the past - the State Medical Board doesn't know what it wants except for my humiliation for disagreeing with them and having a point. There are witnesses that need to come forward including the administration of Geauga Hospital, where Dr. Nice was taken off the active staff before 1990 for sloppy fracture results among other complaints. Several Medical Board Members are left over at least from Governor Voinovich's time, and INTERNAL REVIEW OF THE OHIO ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE DID NOT WORK WITH MARC DANN. There needs to be an external review system for Medical Board cases that have gone on for over 10 (or even 2) years without being proven - where the Medical Board continues to look for a case against the physician involved at huge taxpayer expense - or at least release of the 'confidential' files where patient names are not involved - so that the physicians can resolve their cases with the real facts. The patient names in my case were released in 1992; because they would not return for care to Dr. Nice = punitively their confidentiality was breeched. This legislation needs to be before the State Medical Board collects its 2009-2010 budget monies - the need for the legislation has been admitted since 2003 by previous Speaker's Offices. The Medical Board has at least spent $500, 000 on my case - where I had no physician complaints, but I disagreed with a 'more senior male physician' about my own care - care that neither Drs. Nice or Keith were qualified to do - neither had Boards in Hand Surgery at the time. Cheating in Ohio Government: Cheating, or lying, with medical records, medical tests, and medical diagnoses (or even making them up) are what led to the false case in 1992 at the State Medical Board of Ohio = just college level cheating. The Medical Board cheats to get out of liability for a false case or procedural irregularities - pretty much daily since 1992 - and changes the rules every week. Maybe Mrs. Budish should know that her husband favors cheating as a way of getting ahead, outright lying as long as you have the power, beating up of musician woman physician's hands when they object (physical abuse of women physicians to make them admit a case or diagnosis) or try to appeal, and abominable women's health care - where the boys play with women patients in the offices with sexually-laced comments, special casts, and 'special care' as they are 'learning' from your case - instead of 'knowing their stuff.' Speaker Budish might be in favor of education for his sons, but not in their telling the truth, being honest, not cheating on tests or lying to get ahead - everything is ok for Democrats. Physical abuse of women colleagues/classmates or physicians is ok under the Budish/Fisher/Strickland administration = they 'deserve' it as Dr. Nice so aptly puts it. CURRENTLY MALE PHYSICIANS CAN ABUSE THEIR FEMALE COLLEAGUES IN OHIO = the only form of physical abuse tolerated, encouraged, and legalized in Ohio. You get this question at the Cleveland Clinic about abuse, and you say the male MDs did it, and it's not recorded as 'abuse, ' just a job-related injury, i.e. the bruises from Dr. Keith's office in 1992. Speaker Budish figures that this isn't his responsibility - past Democratic sins are just to be swept under the Democratic 'change' umbrella - Lee Fisher's included. Abuse is going to happen and a fact-of-life for women MDs in Ohio = should have told me that in 1984 when I applied for a medical license then. Finally, Speaker Budish hasn't figured out that I have better things to do with my time than trade e-mails and insults with Daniel and Mindy in his office. Mindy should try medical school in Ohio and then judge - but she probably can't get in. At least when I worked for Congressman Vanik in the 1970s I was on my way to Medical School, not a perpetual government employee with an attitude. Some states need good physicians, even women who will disagree with the men when it means a better patient outcome or the correct diagnosis. The Army needs good women. But that means that Speaker Budish has to stop being one of the boys, take some responsibility, and stand for something; 'change' has to mean real 'change' - not just of 'confidential' files at the State Medical Board. Healthcare reform in Ohio has to start with reforms at the State Medical Board - they control the physician licenses and the care standards. The files in my case need to be opened, and if I did nothing except object to the wrong medical and orthopedic care, then my medical license needs to be returned before Lee Fisher runs for Senate - a campaign which I've already donated to. Finally, endless psychiatric evaluations of women physicians to discuss their sex lives should be halted - this should not be a condition for re-licensure. And any physician rehab in Ohio is a 'joke' - the brain-dead could do what Dr. Nice wants without question or thought. These evaluations are ordered until the woman physician admits the Board's case, or says something that can be misconstrued for another 'go' at a case - 5 times in my situation so far. Even terrorist suspects, Speaker Budish, are not allowed this inhumane treatment any longer under Obama. Could we update in Ohio before 90 days? Just open the 'confidential' file and let's get on with things.

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