This company damages your interior by smashing in to a guardrail, back door entrance, breaking kitchen cabinetry, delivers other people's property with their social security number and doesn't return calls from their claims dept. In fact, they call you a "criminal in posession of stolen goods" if you attempt to get your claim processed in the same order the deliveries were performed. Numerous calls to a fictional person name "Robert Brown" who appears to not like the same profanity used by this movers yields nothing. I had to pay over $250 to fix my place as I am still finding more damage. I had to use the private information in the "stolen goods" to locate the actual owner of the property. The owner was never made aware that I had her goods even after 10 days. She had to pay UPS to get the goods picked up by me. Arrow Van Lines should be referred too as Arrow Van Lies.
All this company does it shoots you with arrows and the fictional character "Robert Brown" just blocks your phone number and hides. Awe poor baby, you lie, cheat and steal. He isn't called "Brown" for good reason.