January 7, 2009
I purchased a home in September of 2008. During that time AIG set me up with this company and they had awesome rates. The insurance company never updated our policy to reflect that the home we were purchasing would be our primary residence. They came out 06 OCT 2008 and did a home inspection unnanounced to us, and then "sent letters" to our old renters address, that we had obviously moved out of about issues that needed to be taken care of. Amazingly all of my mail from my old address has been forwarded without complaint, except for any correspondence from Arrowhead Lincoln General. They Supposedly sent multiple correspondence to our old address and none of them made it to the forward address that uses the same post office. We found out that our insurance on our home was cancelled from our mortgage company. I called the company and asked what was going on. They told me about their inspection and that they had sent their "letters". Addditionally they said that we never updated our address. Updated our address, you mean to the property we insured? They were serious about that. They said it all could be resolved with a letter stating that we are living in the insured address and that the descrepancies were taken care of. I sent the letter the very next morning and heard nothing from them. I called this morning and they said that my policy was still cancelled and that a letter couldnt take care of reinstatement, that I needed to send photos. Their chief complaints this morning on the phone were about debris that was on the side yard from a Bouganvillea tree that was removed during the termite tenting and the termite company never removed from the property like they were supposed to. My wife and I lopped it up and it took three green recycle cans to get it off the side yard. The other complaint was about a tree that had a branch overhanging the gutters. That is too easy to take care of. I have been without insurance on my property for a month because they ineffectively communicate, and amazingly they sent our "refund Check" to the wrong address.