Met Art via newspaper ad looking for real estate investors. He promised a good rate of return, monthly income and the loan of money to be secured by real estate property. He provided a Deed of Trust, Promissory Note, all signed and sealed by a Maricopa County recorder stamp and notorized.
When the market turned sour, he started being late in payments and then not paying at all. Several of checks bounced. Then we were told (all 4 members in he same family who invested heavily), that all his notes and deeds were false.
After checking, turns out that the properties belong to others, the company was never registered in Arizona (Brooklyn Boys Ventures, a subsidiary of We Buy Homes in AZ), and that the county seal was forged.
When confronted with this, he admits he indeed is guilty but refuses to return our money which he says he has.
He has several cases pending for non payment. In addition, he now runs a loan modification company and has scammed in this business too. He has a court case against him.
He needs to be stopped before he devastates other families.