This is extremely long, but it is personal since this involves more then one person in my family.
So thanks for reading.
I recently got introduced to ASD a few weeks back from my sister that was all excited about this new "opportunity" to advertise her business and to make money by surfing web sites and looking at ads from other ASD members. When she first described the system to me I immediately told her if it was advertising she was buying this would be the worst option possible so this cannot be a true "advertising" opportunity like she was being told.
So after watching my naive sister jump in head first, then see her get my 70 year old father involved, it outraged me enough to look into ASD further.
Here are my observations so far...
1. This company was started by Andy Bowdoin. After I looked into Andy it appears that this is a second attempt. It started simply as Ad Surf Daily, failed, and then restarted as ASD Cash Generator with the with one added piece to the puzzle... he now calls the money you give him... purchasing "advertising". This is no doubt to get around the problems such as 12DP had etc that got shut down.
2. Based on the advertising “concept“, you pay 500 bucks in and you get 500 views from other members. The problem is it is a useless 500 views since they only do it to record the 15 second connection and then bump off. This is not targeted in any way like a search engine would do when someone searches for furniture in a city and it gives you the top furniture companies in that city.
So it was clear to me that this is not the type of advertising system a smart educated well respected business person would create when it is so easy to create a better system with much better results for the advertiser.
I asked myself.. If this is not for advertising purposes, then what has Andy created and what is he covering up behind the advertising concept? Especially since they want everyone to join, even if you don't have a business to advertise like my 70 year old father. You don't see the newspapers calling just anyone saying why don't you advertise with us? And when you say I don't have a product or a business to advertise, the newspapers says, so what, buy and ad anyways. People will at least look at the ad and we will give YOU money to do it. Ok... Lets go on...
3. My sister informs me that it's all about compounding interest. So you buy $500 worth of advertising packs and you get 500 views, then as you surf 24 sites a day you get a 1% return daily on your total ad pack pool you have accumulated. So 500 would be $5.00, then on day 2 $505 x 1% and so on.
Ok, so this is easy to calculate... So I did this with a compounding calculator and if that is all I did and never sponsored anyone etc, it would take approx. 1 year to get to a point that each day a cash rebate of $100 per day would hit your account.
The reason I did the calculation until it hit $100 per day is due to the fact that Andy is saying you should let your ad packs accumulate until you are getting a sufficient amount in each day to split it 80/20. Meaning instead of giving all the money back each day to buy more ad packs, you start keeping 20% and reinvest 80%.
So at that point you would be taking in $20 per day.
Lets pause again... If I cash out all at once on that day, I get $100, ( but my ad pack pot stops growing and begins shrinking) if I cash out 20% I get $20 but I continue to build my wealth? So I have been working for a year to get $20 each day?
Ok, lets go on..
4. She says... No, your ad packs build much faster because of the promotions like they have when you get a sponsor and they match the ad packs or you buy at specific times and get a matching 50% etc. So it compounds much faster then you think.
Ok... Lets look at this close. You give ASD $500, keep your eyes on the $500 because it gets lost in the equation very fast.
With my above simple example of a $500 ad pack purchase with a daily 1% compounding system, he actually gets to KEEP the FULL $500 for 1 year. Since you are returning the full 1% cash rebate each day to purchase more ad packs he loses nothing and gains an employee for a year. At that 1 year point you begin keeping 20% and returning 80%. At 20% cash-out you have to cash out for one month straight each day to gain back your original $500 purchase. If you cash out for 5 days straight you are now at a break-even mark, but you begin seeing a drastic decline in rebates since your ad packs are being used up at some undetermined and unpublished rate.
5. So lets assume for a second how important this break-even mark is for everyone. The ad packs are so important for my sister since the more ad packs the higher the rebate each day. But wait a minute, if the ad packs were so valuable, why would Andy be GIVING them away? If the ad packs make the member more money, then how could he and why would he want to give them away?
Well, the other piece of the puzzle is the way in which rebates are calculated. Each day ASD adds up revenue from new members buying in, old members repurchasing ad pack, member fees, and selling an e-book or two. He takes 50% of that total and divides it by the TOTAL amount of ad packs. So if the divided number came out to .05 cents per ad pack, you would times that by your ad pack total and you get your rebate. So 5000 ad packs, or $5000 dollars as most members refer to it as, gives you $50.00.
So I have a problem now... The ONLY constant in the plan is the 50/50 way in which he determines the amount of money sent out in rebates.
Soooo, this answers my earlier observation as to why he GIVES ad packs away. The amount of ad packs make NO difference at all when you are splitting a % of money. If you have 1 million dollars come in, and you take $500, 000 to rebate back, regardless of total ad pack counts each person has in their account, Andy still only sends out half the money that was taken in. So the higher the ad pack count goes (some were given away at some point) it can only split or lower the percent each pack is worth on any given day, actually lowering the rebate to many.
So this is very slick indeed... Make people feel as if they are getting all these great bonuses to sign people up and buy more ad packs, but in reality nothing is really happening other then him taking in a much much larger chunk to keep, and continues acting/saying etc that you will get a solid 1% OR MORE back on your total ad pack count. Not true at all.
6. He appears to have everyone well trained/brainwashed into saying they have EARNED so much money, but have not really earned anything yet. They have accumulated ad packs, but for the most part few have made actual cash. Most have not gotten to the point that they can start keeping anything worth while. ASD only recently has taken-off with huge growth (I.E. they found the sucker pool, and the pool was filled like hippos like in the dead heat desert summer trying to keep cool in the last 10 gallon puddle)
With a company this new, and with such little return in real cash you keep, it amazes me how blind people are moving forward with this program. They are not looking at the end game on this one.
Ok... So lets jump to the end game.
7. Here we are, you have paid in $500 REAL cash. For one year with my above example you continue to pay in every penny you make in rebates. At this point, you have accumulated thousands of ad packs due to free promos, compounding, sponsors etc.
Ok, so remember, keep your eyes on the $500...
8. Now you start taking out each day and at some point you get back your $500. The situation for Andy has reversed. For one year he kept your money, now he has given it back, and tomorrow, he will give you more back. With your 24 sites per-day clicking, he supposedly has made nothing. The ad packs you accumulated are NOT there because you gave him more REAL money, but from promos, give-always, and compounding interest.
So, now it turns around and Andy has used up all of the money he took in from you, has NOT made additional money on your "click" actions each day (unless he is using you for click fraud) and is now pulling money from other sources to pay out the cash rebate each day.
So here we are coming to a close. If you keep your eye on the original $500 purchase, it is obvious that unless he comes up with a second stream of money, this system cannot sustain itself and will crash. But wait a minute... What great mind would create a system that is destined to crash unless a second stream of money isgener ated to sustain it? What person would think that is a smart way to do business, effectively creating a company with an expiration date attached to it's calculations?
Well, no one that is legit anyway.
Business models have to sustain themselves. Example.. Develop a product at a specific cost, then sell it for more, take the profit and build it bigger etc.
If the product you created and sold the customer continues/begins to cost you more money each day, then eventually the cost to maintain the product you sold the customer would be higher then the profit you made.
There are only 2 options on the table, you either discontinue the product or
go out of business due to it sucking all the profits out of the rest of the company.
Which one will Andy do?
For the moment, ASD is bringing in big cash. They have just gone from making a small amount to huge numbers within just the last few months. So the cycle I explained above has not happened yet… but is in motion.
The only REAL money coming into ASD in from new recruits, so it is very obvious that if the member base stops recruiting, then the 50/50 split makes no difference since the total would be smaller and less money would go out for each ad pack.
So here is my final word on this...
A. If you are trying to advertise, look elsewhere. This is a joke in the advertising world and saying they are advertisers like Google is also a joke. This a clear cover up to say that the money you gave them is not an investment. It's for "advertising". Yeah… OK!
B. Ad packs mean nothing, it’s all about the new money coming in, where is it coming from, and how many free ad packs are they handing out to "people" just to inflate certain accounts? Remember...the more ad pack in the total ASD pool, the less each is worth. So if they give one person 10 million ad packs, they send a much smaller check to you since the same amount of money is simply divided by the total ad pack pool to determine your rebate. I have no idea where people get the solid 1% idea each day as a rebate amount. That is impossible to determine since the only repeating # each day is the 50/50 split. Every other number changes each day depending on "new" money coming in and ad pack totals.
C. Since ASD is still new, the cycle will hit in 3 -12 months depending on how many ways he can stall the above domino effect from taking place.
There are two ways in which this could end...
1. Due to lower "new" members sign-ups coming in, the total rebates begin dropping causing some of the upper level people to cash out. From that large cash out it causes an instant domino effect in the form of a panic where everyone else sees a drop in rebates due to less money coming in. It hits the internet like wildfire and everyone else goes for the cash-out. Unlike a bank, ASD is not protected for this type of situation, so lights out, you lose! Only the top wins.
2. For twelve months or so, Andy keeps all your money, since that is what he has instructed the followers to do. From that HUGE some of money he buys into other avenues or investments. Those may actually be profitable over a long run, but much less for you. He keeps that part to himself, acting as if he is “investing” your money to keep the company healthy.
He sends out a letter stating that the other investments are taking up huge resources and time and the ASD system will or cannot continue as is. I mean, why suck money from a profitable real venture to pay for one that is now costing him money due to less new recruits. He ends the money sucking ASD venture before everyone can cash out and pull all their money back, or at least some, and he calls it a "good try". Awe shucks! 70 year old people are so cute!
He then asks you to invest in this other idea he has. I think this may be ?
What makes me angry is that my sister has deceived my father into this and he is an innocent person on the sidelines.
I would like nothing better then to see the day when this company is shut down. It is deceiving, lying, and a scam in that they take your money for one thing, but it is really for something else.
Either this orthe SEC just determines the same as me and steps in before millions lose money like my father will.