Steve and Ashley Oesh purchased a PURE BRED ENGLISH GOLDEN RETRIEVER from my husband and I.
They were told upon signing their contract they had to NUETER the MALE GOLDEN "COOPER" before the AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB papers were delivered to them. They have filled out complaints thru out the internet such as ripoff report and here... they have NEVER sent proof of their "COOPER" being fixed!
We have a small claims against them and will proceed to DECLAIR the VALUE of every person turned away from these reports as a puppy purchase lost.
AND for the stress and emotional damage they have caused my family!
Tell me whats so hard as ANSWERING your phone to get a VET receipt!
Now they have hundereds of people knowing STEVE OESH servse our country living in FORT MONROE ... but has a sever ANGER problem!
Ashley and Steve can not reason. Reality is SEND the REPORT... GET THE PAPERS!
OTHERS HAVE THEIRS ... why do you think you dont! Kinda WEIRD if you ask me. Maybe you wanted to Breed the dog ... to bad life has to come to unhappiness instead of injoying your life. Glad i am not you!