I would recommend that no one attempt to buy by catalog from this company. In January I placed an order for two items for an amount in excess of $200. After numerous phone calls, e-mails to the company and even a letter to the company I was told varying stories by different people about when I would receive my order.
Each time the person I spoke to assured me they were being truthful regarding the shipment date. To date I have received NOTHING and after asking for a refund, I have been told different stories (lies) about when I would receive my check. Last week I spoke to a Michael in Accounting who positively told me that the computer showed my check had been processed on the 17th of April and I would receive it in approx. 4 days. Of course I did not. Yesterday I spoke to Sue in Accounting who said I don't know why someone told you your check had been processed because we will process it in two weeks. This is the scenario I have dealt with from the beginning with Ashro. I think a prerequisite for working for this company is how convincingly one can lie to the customer. They had no problem cashing my check back in April and using my money, but for some reason they can't send me my refund. I am hesitant to say that they "stole" my money, but what does it look like?