Aspen Dental

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3201 E Grand River, Lansing, Michigan, United States

Phone number: 517 485 4713

Aspen Dental Reviews

whadever March 25, 2009
Refunding money for services not rendered
I had about 8 appts. with Aspen Dental. At very first appt., the dentist and I discussed previous medical issues and I informed him that I was not under a doctor's care and was on no medications or anything. They continued making appts., which I faithfully kept, took xrays, made impressions, etc. The end result was that I was to have all top teeth extracted and dentures made. I have no insurance so was informed of the cost, which I paid in cash. At about 6 pm on the night before the extractions were to be done, I received a phone call saying that the dentist would not do the procedure until I had a release from a doctor. Of course, this was AFTER they took my money and I had made arrangements to miss a week of work, not to mention that someone else had to take time off of work to take me to appt.
I informed them that I would be in the following day to pick up my CASH since they refused to extract the teeth. They told me that they would have to submit it to their main office and IF APPROVED, I would receive a check in approximately 2 weeks! I told them I did not pay by check and did not want a check in 2 weeks. I wanted the cash back NOW! They weren't willing to wait for me to pay them in 2 weeks, why should I be willing to wait for a check?????
Now, I am sitting with extreme pain, no money, and missed time from work!
Gail March 23, 2009
charging for services not rendered
I went to Aspen Dental to have a cracked tooth repaired in December of 2008. After x-rays, and a dental examination I was told Ihad numerous cavities and 4 teeth that would probably need root canals and crowns. After filing for cedit through CareCredit I was told the total of my bill would be over $2700. After having the initial root canal done, I cancelled the rest of the procedures because this was too much debt for me to incur, being on a fixed income. They said find, they would put it in my file that the rest of the procedures were cancelled. In February I received a bill from CareCredit for the total amount for all the procedures! I contacted Aspen Dental about this and they said they would reimburse CaeCredit for the amount not used.Not only did they not cancel the rest of the amount OR reimburse CareCredit, but they had never filed the claim with my insurance company. In February my insurance carrier sent them $1000 to be reimbursed to CareCredit-it is now March and CareCredit tells me they have still not been reimbursed by Aspen Dental, my insurance carrier is probably out $1000.00. I will be contacting the Better Business Bureau and the Attorney General's office within the next few days. I was always under the impression that it was NOT legal to charge someone for services not rendered!
irrate March 18, 2009
overcharge, unnecessary extractions
Do NOT go! I went to Aspen Dental in Wausau, WI due to there advertising prices for dentures. I have had dentures for several years due to an accident and all I needed was to have a tooth on my denture reattached. I waited over an half an hour for my appointment. At first everything seemed on the up and up. All of the staff seemed very professional, the entire visit from the xrays to the exam was smoothly executed. I was then taken to the office manager where I was told I had SIGNIFICANT dental issues, I NEEDED 2 teeth extracted IMMEDIATELY (I didn't even have a toothache!!) and I had to pay $1799 UP FRONT! I have dental insurance but they don't take the insurance that the state of Wisconsin uses for it's employees!!? I have the recommended procedure. I ask to take the teeth home that they extracted but they said I couldn't due to the large abcesses attached to the teeth (couldn't see any abcesses just what looked 1 molar cut in half). I was immediatley fitted with a partial that caused me undue agony, it was so ill fitted that I couldn't swallow, eat or talk. I finally took them out and my extreme discomfort abated almost instantly. After adjustments I was able to talk in a garbled manner and very gingerly eat. 3 weeks after the partial was made I was eating a torn off piece of fresh bread and the partial broke in half! I took it back in for repair when I had my next adjustment appointment and cleaning. Like all of the other appointments, they were very late in getting to me. This time it was over an hour. The office manager had to talk to me first and told me that I had to pay for my cleaning up front. I was appalled! I had asked repeatedly if this was included in the $1799 I had prepaid when the cleaning appointment was made. I was assured that it was. Now I was supposed to pay over a $200 for a cleaning???? They told me that it was so costly because I had a bacterial infection that was caused my lack of flossing! I was incredulous!! I floss obsessively! My companaions all tease me about it! I refused the cleaning. I asked that they repair my partial as I was emceeing a major fundraiser that weekend and did not want to do it with missing teeth. This was a Wednesday. Due to their inhouse lab the repair would be completed the next day and delivered to me via UPS, ensuring that I would have the partial by Friday. Well, I didn't have the partial by Friday, or the next Friday or the next Friday! In the meantime I lose the emcee job due to my lack of teeth, my supervisor took my off of my waitressing nights due to my lack of teeth. I lost over $1, 000 of income. The office manager told me that the assistant had mailed, via the US Postal Service, the partial to their corporate office in Syracuse, NY - clear across the country beacause it would be less expensive for Syracuse to mail it to me. The address that I gave for the UPS delivery is not a USPS address therefore I would not get the package as it would be returned as undeliverable. I spoke to the postmaster regarding the situation and was assured that she would watch for a package with my name on it (it is a very small post office) and would notify me upon it's arrival. I never got a call from the Post Office but finally got a call from Aspen Dental in Wausau that they had received the returned package and they delivered it overnight to me. When I received the package I understood the problem. They had not put a name on the package, the office manager did not think this was a problem. I was finally able to get Aspen to refund 7/8th of the money I had paid but they would only refund it to a credit card. Now I owe my dental insurance $984 and can not have any work done until this is repaid. I went in to get a tooth reattched to my denture, lost teeth, got a partial that I can not eat with, owe my insurance company money and still do not have my tooth reattched to my denture. DO NOT GO THERE!!!
Oliver March 16, 2009
Shady billing practices
Posted the following Complaint

March 15, 2009 06:43:02
I went to Aspen Dental 11/26/08 and had work done for dentures. They quoted me a price of $2, 598 for the work. They talked me into using their care credit financing. Well, the balance I was being charged by care credit was over $5, 000. I called Aspen Dental in scranton right away. They said that it was an error and they would have it corrected. Well here it is march of 2009 and I am still going back and forth with them and care credit. Every time I get a different story as to why this hasn't been corrected yet. While trying to straighten this out in the first two months after date of service they reported me to the credit bureau and marked my credit. I was told to hold off on payment by credit care until the correct balance and finance charges we reflected and this is what they did.
I still cannot get this resolved. I feel that their is a consumer scam going on between Aspen Dental and their financing company Credit Care. I am going to have to take this to the attorney generals office.
hawksgirl March 16, 2009
Went to Aspen Dental to get full upper and lower dentures. There estimate was just about $9000.00 for extractions and the mid-grade dentures! When asked for an itemized bill they told me they couldn't give me one! What? I have a partial on my top already so its not like they are extracting all my teeth and a few missing on the bottom too. Has anyone ever heard of dentures and extractions costing so much? And of not being able to get an itemized bill!? I would have to pay a little over $7000 out of my own money shouldn't I be able to see what I am paying for?
nunya buisness March 14, 2009
Dont waste money or risk your teeth!
I went to aspen dental in Richmond, Indiana... I wish I had checked out their reviews before I went there... there are hundreds of reports against them in ALL states! (Fraud and malpractice, etc.) They tried to scam me out of $600 just to "clean" my teeth. thank goodness I ended up with the one honest hygienist in the whole place when it was time for my cleaning, and she said there was no way I needed all that work done to my mouth, and had them give me back most of the money. They tried to convince me that my teeth were practically rotting out of my head even though I go to the dentist every 6 months and brush and floss three times a day... they made me feel like I was disgusting and diseased and they acted like I had this huge dental emergency and demanded all this money up front before they would even touch my teeth even though i was schedualed for a cleaning that day, but did not have that kind of money on me. Then the hygienist looked at my mouth and had to go get my records because she was so confused by what they told her I needed. None of that was true at all.
Then I had to have a couple of my fillings replaced, which was fine, but now I doubt it needed to be done at all. This visit began with the dentist wanting to argue with me about whether or not I was “really” allergic to latex. Why argue?? It’s in my chart for a reason! He questioned me all about if I’d had it tested by an allergist and blah, blah, blah... wasting my time. And really, it’s none of his business “how” I found out. My doctor told me I was definitely allergic after several trips to the ER with anaphylactic shock… so clearly I didn’t need an allergist to tell me. it seemed like he was a pervert with a latex fetish who wanted to coax me in to telling him about my condom usage. Finally I just got tired of arguing said “FINE! If you want to put latex in my mouth, you can call me an ambulance when you’re finished.” The rest of the visit was no better. They put dental dams on me and tore up my gums and now they are painful and infected. They squeezed my teeth so hard with them it felt like they would pop and it was painful while they were drilling. They also wouldn’t stop drilling on one of my teeth and give me more anesthetic when I was actually crying because the drilling was hurting me so badly, it felt like I wasn’t numb at all. They just said "oh, is that hurting you? .. hmmm..." and then he just kept going! Now I have had a searing tooth ache for 4 days in that same tooth. I thought the point of having fillings was so you wouldn’t get a tooth ache??? I am starting to think they drilled down to the nerve, which will mean a root canal. Also I had asked him to file off just one small chip in one tooth, my lower canine, because it was a little sharp. But before I knew what was going on, he had filed off my upper canine on the same side too, now it is rounded and funny looking! He changed the shape of my teeth with out my permission! And it’s not like you can just put the tip of your tooth back on! I am so angry- I can’t breathe! So now I have one canine that is long and pointed, and the other is over 1/8" shorter, stumpy and rounded (and also hurts)... and he thought it was okay to just leave my teeth looking like this... I really liked my teeth just they way they were! Now they will never look the same again! I also have a huge gap between two of my molars that wasn’t there before... I’m not even sure what they did to create that, but both of those teeth also really hurt. I paid $1000 for braces and orthodontic work, and in one dentist trip I now have a gap, and I am snaggle-toothed…. Thanks a lot Aspen! I guess I neglected to tell them I work as a model and I am not supposed to have crazy looking teeth! But it seemed like that should have been a given for anyone...
Also when we were taking a break from drilling.. I overheard him telling an elderly woman that a root canal and a crown would be over $2000. When I know of other dentists that do that for about $700 and sometimes less!
This is the worst and most painful dental experience I have EVER had, and I have had to have a lot of work.
My insurance isn’t that great... so I am just going to drop it and pay the extra to go where I want!
Frustrated March 13, 2009
Unneeded Procedures / Hidden Charges
The following takes place after just one visit to Aspen Dental:

After using the same dentist for 15+ years, I had a change in insurance and was forced to find a different dentist. Despite all of the complaints I had read about Aspen Dental, I chose to go through a new patient visit and have x-rays taken. After waiting for 30 minutes past my scheduled appointment time I was finally called in for my x-rays. Following the x-rays I was directed back towards the area where the dental chairs were (which all had tv's attached to them...expensive?). I sat there and watched CSPAN for another 25-30 minutes before the dentist came over to talk with me. After glancing at my x-rays she told me that she already saw a few cavities. She finally came over to examine my mouth. She mumbled something about more cavities and gingivitis, never giving me a good explanation of what she saw. Now, I had waited 1 year after my last cleaning (and I had regularly gone for cleanings every 6 months for the past 15 years or so), so I thought maybe it was possible that I had a cavity or two. She told me I had 8! And she told me that there are two more that I need to keep an eye on because they could become cavities. I was shocked. I'm not going to say I brush after every meal or floss every day, but I take pretty good care of my teeth. I thought there was no way I had 8 cavities. But I gave them the benefit of the doubt. I sat down to talk to the "financial advisor" about the treatment I would need. Still shocked from learning I had 8 cavities I listened to the financial advisor tell me that a cleaning, some flouride treatment, and the filling of all 8 of my cavities would cost me $725 AFTER INSURANCE. What??!! Since I was recently laid off, there was no way I could fork over that kind of money upfront, so he convinced me to apply for a CareCredit account where I could make payments over 18 months to pay for the treatment. I scheduled my next appointments (the cleaning and the fillings) and left fairly upset.

I didn't get very far before a little something called cognitive dissonance kicked in. I felt like I was being ripped off. After confiding in some friends they felt the same way. I went back to Aspen to speak with the financial advisor and go over the charges line by line. According to my calculations, 8 cavities should run me $400 after insurance. What was the other $325? In the line items, there was a toothbrush that they were going to 'give' me for $135 (not covered by insurance); A full mouth debridement for my 'periodontal disease' $50; some mouthwash for $24; irrigation (?) for $35; some toothpaste for $24; and the list goes on. Most of those items were not covered by insurance.

I ended up calling my old dentist (who I trust a great deal) and asking him if he could check out my mouth and see if I really do have 8 cavities and gingivitis. He agreed to a limited consultation. I went to him a few days later and told him where they thought the cavities were. After a close examination (of 15 minutes or so - which was longer than the lady at Aspen looked at my teeth for) he told me that I have 1 cavity. ONE. Maybe two. NOT EIGHT! I was pretty mad. I told him about how they said I had gingivitis and they suggested that I have a debridement done. His demeanor went from disbelief to anger. He knew they were ripping me off. He explained how someone would need a debridement if they had hunks of tartar and what he called "calculus" on their teeth and bleeding gums etc. I have none of that. In fact, he took pictures of my teeth to show how I didn't have any problems like that. Then he showed me pictures of someone who did need debridement...yuck. As I said, he was upset that a dental office would be doing that to patients and charging them so much for it. He told me not to worry about paying for my consultation. I thought that was very nice of him.

I cancelled my appointments at Aspen Dental. I found out a week later that when they opened that line of credit so that I could pay for the future services, they already charged me the $725. They didn't do anything to me yet! I called and had them reverse it, told them I wouldn't be coming back and explained why. I wasn't mean. If the lady on the phone was willing to listen I would tell her the truth. She told me to be aware that different dentists have different opinions. Then she explained to me that when she came to Aspen Dental for a check-up, they told her she had periodontal disease too with 3 and 4 mm pockets (just like me) and her old dentist missed it because he was old and didn't keep up on his continuing education. I don't know how she could give me advice on dental work since she is a financial she works there! I'm sure she's paid to say they are the best.

I'm just still really frustrated with Aspen. I highly advise you to stay away from this chain. It's not worth the headache. Good luck to you in your search for a good dentist. As for me, I'm working on changing my insurance so that I can go back to my original dentist.
Mark Rondeau/Apen Dental March 5, 2009
temp crowns
Aspen Dental made my teeth worst than when I started. They mislead me on what I was to recieve. But what I cant believe is they refused to fix it!!! I have a law suit in the making and they dont care ! They said go ahead and sue us, you'll neyer win.
Crystal March 3, 2009
Rude Staff
I was seen in the office for a first time patient visit. I scheduled the appointment online. NO WHERE does it say that you will not get a cleaning on the first visit. I have never heard of such a thing. Anyway, I was taken back for my visit (late of course) and a person did x-rays. Not once did she state her name or what she did there. It took her and her co-worker 25 minutes to do a full set of x-rays. My mouth was all cut up and they didn't ask if I was ok. They then escorted me to the exam room. I waited for 30 minutes. No one came by to let me know the dr. was running behind. No one checked on me to see if I needed anything or needed to reschedule. NOTHING. An elderly gentleman came into the exam room next to me and waited. The dr. came in and looked at my chart and then looked at him and said "who was here first". I said "me, but go ahead and see him". She finished with him, looked at my chart, saw I was a first time patient and said "let me look at your x-rays" she did that then came over to me and said "Open up" NOT ONCE did she say who she was. She finished her 30 second exam and told me I had a cavity and says "did you know that"...well duh, no I didn't know that...that's why I'm here. Then she tells me to go make an appointment with the office manager. I asked about the cleaning and was told the hygeinist wasn't in that day. I didn't make a follow up appointment but told the office manager that the online scheduling didn't say anything about not getting a cleaning on the first visit. She then says "Well it's your first visit, why would you expect a cleaning?" I DON'T KNOW, CALL ME CRAZY BUT THAT'S WHAT YOUR PRACTICE DOES!!!

So the next day I went back to claim my dental records because no way was I going to continue going to this establishment. I asked to speak with the office manager again. I told her I was bothered by the unprofessionalism in her office the day prior. She was very hostile and told me "well if you were concerned about who the dr may or may not have been you should have asked". Then she apparently got up and asked the dr. if this was true. She came back and proceeded to tell me that the dr remembered me...(HOW COULD SHE...SHE ONLY SAW ME FOR 30 SECONDS...THERE WAS NOTHING TO REMEMBER!) and said she absolutely introduced herself. i said "ok, fine. that's not what happened." the office manager then said..."well I'm not going to take your word for it...I have to go with what my dr. said" She also told me that it isn't necessary for her staff, other than the dr., to introduce themselves.

I'm a nurse and my boyfriend is a physician and if either of us EVER treated a patient in this manner we would be in a world of trouble.

Shame on Aspen Dental in Camillus, NY for having absolutely NO CLASS. Shame on Melanie the office manager for having no manners whatsoever...and shame on Dr. Vincent for not coming out and rectifying the situation with a patient (if she was even notified). I wouldn't recommed my dog to your office.
dcw1961 February 25, 2009
Deceptive Pricing
I wish I had gotten the prices upfront. These people spend your money like politicians and banks. My cleaning alone was $800, and the "free" toothbrush (which stopped functioning within 4 months), was $135. I spoke with a specialist for less than 5 minutes, and this cost me $95. A tube of toothpaste was $24. Add about 12 shots of arrestin (which what they should be doing to these crooks!), and the total cost comes to over 1, 900 dollars. I was in the chair for 2 hrs at the most. I have no dental insurance, and my teeth hurt worse now than before I started treatment.
Mere words cannot express my outrage and disgust.
I wish I had never gone to Aspen Dental, and wouldn't step foot in their office again, even on a bet.
Aspen Dental truly sucks!!!

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