Aspen Dental
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Category: Lifestyle
Contact Information 3201 E Grand River, Lansing, Michigan, United States
Phone number: 517 485 4713
Aspen Dental Reviews
February 20, 2009
Terrible place
I went to Aspen Dental in the summer of 2008 because I knew I needed expensive work done and they offered free X-Rays. I only get 1500 from my insurance so I figured this would save me some money. After going to my first appointment I was told that I needed a root canal re done and three wisdom teeth surgically removed. I asked the office manager for my out of pocket costs up front as I was on a tight budget. After calling every other day for weeks because 'the computers were down', I was finally told that my out of pocket costs were around 300. I verified this numerous times with her.
The day I arrived for my root canal the receptionist told ME that I had canceled my appointment. Obviously, this was not true. I work in healthcare and it is very hard to take time off. I had to find coverage 3 weeks in advance! I informed her that she was mistaken and I would not reschedule as I already waited 3 weeks! She then told me to sit down and wait for the endodontist who was not expected there for an hour. I sat down and met another man who told me he had the same conversation with the receptionist 30 min ago. So the Dr finally arrived and we are both taken into the back at the same time. I found this odd as root canals take awhile. I heard her say something to the other man in the next cubical about tooth removal and he left. She then came into see me and without looking at me (Just the x rays) told me as well that my tooth had to come out. At this point I figured she didn't want to come in that day hence my 'canceled' appointment. Also, what are the chances of two people canceling appointments, forgetting they canceled, showing up and having teeth that cant be fixed?
So, I made her do the root canal. A few min into it she informed me that my tooth broke into the gums and it had to be surgically removed. I am not a dentist so I cant really question her but, I feel as if the damage was done out of spite.
Since I was now in horrible pain I could not cancel my operation. I came in and had in done the following week and was sent home with my husband. As soon as my anestesia wore off I was in incredible pain. (I had to have teeth drilled out of my jaw) My husband looked at the RX I was given and realized it was for minor pain (he is a nurse)
He called Aspen dental (at 9am) to ask for a more appropriate rx and was told the DR wouldn't be approached until after his lunch! I was left in horrible pain until around 2pm!
Then my husband was banned from the office for being 'rude' to the office manager.
Now, to my billing fun. As you may remember I was told my out of pocket would be 300. After I had my operation I was sent a bill for 1600! After I already paid around 200! This is not including the 1000 my insurance company paid! I have had to do all of the talking between my insurance company and Aspen dental. I just got the last 500 of my 2008 benefits paid to Aspen dental since they just gave me the documents my insurance company has been requesting for 6 months!
Now, I have to pay over 1000 in consult fees and god knows what else they did to change my 300.00 out of picket to over 1200!
Stay far away from Aspen dental!
Ebonie Ealey
February 19, 2009
Poor customer communication
During a routine visit at Aspen Dental, I had been having extreme pain. The office Manager Susan automatically assumed I needed a root canal. There were no questions asked and a price was given and a rushed appoitment. The problem was I was asked to pay 1800 dollars, when they were not even sure if i even really needed a root canal. I explained to the manage Susan that I was not sure if i would be able to do that on the spot I do not have 1800 dollars in my back pocket. I need to speak to my husband because that a large amount of money then I will let you know if I can make the appointment. So I canceled the appointment within the hour they gave me the appointment.
I returned to the office a few days later now having the funds but, there were no appointments available until the 24 of February.
I accepted the date. Soon after I was told that I had to pay the 1800 dollars in full today to whole the appointment. I was a bit confused because I never paid before an appointment to hold my spot. Then Susan said she just wants to make sure I mean business. After this was said I was so insulted because, I was a consistant customer. So I left with a prescription and rigt before they gave me novacane shot . The dentist did not explain no side effects after shot and sent me on my way. On my home while driving I realized my eye was not blinking. In a freak panic I turned round back to Aspen Dental. When arrived they had me wait and told me this happens often. Don't worry . Again confused on my this was not explained to me.
I went to get a secound opinion and found out that I actually did not need a root canal, the problem was that one tooth was not hormonious with my top tooth. Meaning all I needed was my tooth filed down. Thank goodness I was smart enough not to go back. I was wondering how can I go further in getting this place inspected?
February 14, 2009
Awful experience
My experience is best described as like when you go into a quick oil change place and they try to sell you the $200 radiator flush and all you came in for was the $29.99 oil change. I should have heeded the warning from my wife but I went to Aspen Dental in Danbury Ct. I decided with the New Year, I would call for a simple cleaning and check up. Well I went into the office and x-rays were taken and then I saw the dentist. I advised him prior that I had no problems with my teeth, no pain, no issues except for one filling (actually just a portion) of the filling that had fallen out about few months prior. But still with that I had no pain, no problems. I wanted a cleaning and the filling re-filled. First he started in with the “you need a deep cleaning and scaling". As for the filling that would be simple and easy and we can schedule that for next week. He also recommended a cancer screening. I asked him why I need a cancer screening. Was it my age? (47). There was no history of cancer in my family. Well he never gave me an answer.
While I was waiting for the cost of this “deep cleaning" the agent was having a long conversation with the “officer manager" or a better title would be sales manager. The total was $3400 of which I was personally responsible for $1750. They claim that the anti-biotic shots were not covered by my insurance. (Since then I have checked with my insurance and another reputable dentist and was advised that those shots are only necessary if there is an infection but not a routine). I returned on January 19th, for my simple filling. Again, I wish to repeat that I had no pain, no problems and no issues with ANY of my teeth including the tooth with some of the filling missing. Well I sit in the chair and the dentist begins to work. Prior to the procedure he explained nothing. The only question he asked was what color filling do I want? Well unbeknownst to me (he had numbed the area) he was scraping out the entire old filling. He then re-filled as a temporary filling. So thinking all was done and ok, he claims he could only do a temporary filling because he found damage to the pulp of the tooth. Mind you I did not ask him to scrape out the old filling but to fill the area that was missing. He claims I now need a root canal, which of course is close to $4500 and I would have to pay $2000 out of pocket. Not to mention that since I have left the office I have had intermittent pain in that tooth. When I came in I had no problems.
In addition that evening after the procedure and when the numbing wore off I was in severe pain. I called the office immediately and gave the dentist the pharmacy number where he said he would call in pain killers. Today is the 25th and let's just say I am still waiting for him to call in the prescription. When I called back to see why it hadn't been called in, he stated the number I gave him was a residence number. Absolutely BS. After reading numerous complaints and listening again to my wife's experience, I clearly see their ploy. It is called up-selling or up-charging. You come in for a simple procedure and their job is to increase your bill so that there is an overage, up and beyond what your insurance will cover. It is that plain and simple. They are more concerned with selling services than the patient.
February 13, 2009
Shoddy work/fraudulent billing
Aspen Dental is guilty of shoddy work, poor service and fraudulent billing. I know from experience. I think they build extended problems onto existing ones and create additional dental problems for patients.
My daughter is neither a middle-aged nor an elderly person. She visits the dentist regularly. She doesn't have the strongest teeth, however, almost every single filling that had been done has had to be replaced or fell out within weeks or a few months of being placed.
I have grave concerns over what they have done to my teenage daughter.
In addition, their billing practices are fraudulent and their extortive behaviour of using fear installation in patients to make them think they are ALL in dire dental health is not only questionable "ethics wise" but questionable on their expertise? And legally.
I have proof from their own hand that they don't mind at all trying to rebill for "old charges" that are paid in full and clear.
I have printouts from Aspen Dental in which they entered discount rates I was entitled to through careington 505, insurance payments from my one insurance at the time and personal payments that showed specific dates of service and procedures done including the codes for them.
Then, a year later, they took specific charges and rebilled them to a second INSURANCE I acquired. Never mind, they had been paid what they were allowed under their contract with Careington and BC/BS.
Not only is this illegal, it is fraudulent.
In other cases, they only filed on my secondary insurance initially. Put the remaining amounts on "my responsibility payment" part. Later collecting payment from my primary insurance, NOT CREDITING THESE PAYMENTS TO MY ACCOUNT and then posting as my having a balance due not crediting BC/BS payments to my account.
In other words, they probably owe me a little bit as I most likely overpaid them for services rendered in the end. It was not until the tailend of having had enough "shoddy and possibly malpractice work" done for my daughter that I realized what was going on.
I also am under the impression they charged for a couple of fillings they never did.
It amazes me the people who do the insurance billing work have the nerve to think No One Would catch this. And on top of it, knowing a majority of their dentists are not properly certified, let alone registered with a lot of the insurances.
Then, they go back and look at where they take big hits on discounts and I think they look for patients whose insurances have changed and try to bilk the insurance companies and if that doesn't work, take the denial of benefits letters and try to make the patients think these are charges that are simply not covered on the patients insurance, but that the patient is still responsible for, knowing that this is illegal.
What disgusts me is all the advertising they do on how non-judgmental they are and how they care. That alone is false advertisement. Their prices if you have no insurance are ludicrous and more than double what insurance companies allow, so those without insurance get screwed and are lured/forced into acquiring medium to high interest rate financial programs if they are to get treated for their dental problems.
Usually, Aspen Dental requires you to pay at least half up front and if you get approved by unicorn or care, then they place all the fees on the "financing" on these accounts upfront meaning they collect the entire payment before work is done! This also is questionable at least ethically.
Once, they collect the entire costs upfront, they don't care if the work done is satisfactory or appropriate. And, try getting refunded if you're not satisfied or the work is shoddy.
They can argue a lot, but to try billing insurances that were not in effect at time of services rendered and those services already having been paid in full is fraud. Fraud. There is no way they are unaware of what they did.
I have the printout from their own computer showing paid in full DOS and then they sent in claims a year and a half later to an insurance that was not in effect at the time.
She has had 5 fillings replaced either by them or a new dentist that were in her mouth anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to less than 2 years.
You tell I wrong to be pissed?
Going to file complaints with the ADA and Attorney Generals in Connecticut, Massachusetts. Offices in both these states in 3 locations are a part of this.
However, I will never step in the doorway of Aspen Dental again. Unless I am with a lawyer.
Anthony Skinner
February 13, 2009
billing fraud
Under the advisement of my insurance company I switched dental offices. My insurance convinced me to go with a dentist that accepted what the insurance paid. I took my two daughters in and was told their dental records were non transferable. Aspen then took them in and cleaned their teeth, exrayed florided etc. I was then set down and told my youngest daughter needed two small filling in back teeth. I was given two options white fillings or silver. I chose the silver. The office manager told me i needed to write a check for the portion the insurance didnt pay. Two weeks later we had the fillings done. I recieved a bill for 54.00 dollars and learned the insurance didnt pay for initial bitewing exrays or floride because they had allready used up that benifit with the prior dentist, no big deal but wondered why records werent allowed tranfered to prevent this. I then recieved statement from my insurance company saying that Aspen Dental had billed for services for silver fillings which they paid 100%. I then knew I had been screwed out of the money I paid upfront. My insurance also sent another statement saying my daughter had been seen on a different date, one that we never even went to. Aspen Dental billed my insurance for the same two teeth saying they had used the white filling and billed 300 dollars for service not even provided. My calls to marions office manager are to no avail Aspen dental is billing me for 245.70. My insurance company says I owe 54.00 less the 21.30 check I should never have written them. Aspen Dental is a dental farm you never know what dentist or trainee you will be have working on your teeth. Their office managers are poorly trained and seem to be looking out for your money instead of providing a good service.
February 12, 2009
shoddy work/fraud
I cannot put the city because there are two states and three cities involved in the total story. All 3 offices of course, Aspen Dental.
I have proof of their fraud. Not simply my word, but their print outs in combination with my EOB's from dental insurance with one company and am going to request 3 years of EOB copies from my other insurance.
In addition to that, almost every single filling that they did on my teenage daughter came out within weeks and months of the work being done. Not normal and I don't care what they say.
I think they have done damage to her longterm. This bothers me a great deal.
Their billing practices border on extortion in some instances, but definitely fraudulent.
I have kept an open line of communication with the NY office, however, recently realized that for almost two years they kept a running tab on charges that had been paid in full, filing on them with an insurance company whose coverage we later acquired. Never mind these DOS had been paid in full...per their own hand and printout.
In two instances, they did not file with my primary, only my secondary and then billed it out. I paid what they said I owed outside of insurance, knowing it did not sound right, then when they received funds from my primary...did not credit my account.
In the end, they probably owe me a little.
However, the repeat billing of different dates of service they had already been paid for, is not something that they could be unaware of.
They also use fear tactics with patients in regards to their dental care, which results in patients resorting to applying to dental financing and paying upfront for work that may or may not need to be done at overinflated prices.
Those who go to Aspen Dental without insurance get screwed in more ways than you can count.
In addition, Aspen Dental does not seem to think they have to follow the rules and guidelines of the insurances in which they are PDP on.
I am so outraged by the discoveries I have made I intend to contact the ADA and the Attorney Generals for Ct and Massachusetts...and maybe a lawyer as well and recover for all I paid them for work that was not properly done on my daughter.
February 6, 2009
the worst dental company
I met the worst dentist and the worst dental company in the world. They tried to charge me those services which I did not do, and also they extracted my 2 teeth. I called them when I felt the pain, they arranged the appointment in 1 month, can you believe that? I told them it was very painful, they asked me to take pain medicine. As you can guess, after 1 month, that tooth can not be saved any more (well, by their dentist, who knows it's true or not), and they extracted it right away. Now, I have to pay $2000 to get a new tooth, I was so upset... Never go to any Aspen dental, it is the worst in USA. I wonder when they are going to bankrupt.
February 5, 2009
Rip off
I went to Aspen dental because i had a cracked tooth... after they did the x-rays and I waited for quiet some time, I finally saw the dentist... after he told me how lucky i was to have my teeth, he said that he could fix my tooth (at another appointment), but first i needed to talk with the office manager to make arrangements for the portion that my insurance company would not pay. So i went into her office, and she gave me this long list of dental work that i was told needed done... and that they would bill my insurance around 7000 and i would need to pay around 5000 out of pocket... i quickly found that they were trying to "get one over on me" and asked for my x-rays and I left... the next day I saw a local dentist in my town (although not on my insurance plan) and he fixed my cracked tooth, and found nothing else wrong and i paid $126. ASPEN DENTAL IS A BIG RIP OFF ... BEWARE!!!
January 25, 2009
My experience is best described as like when you go into a quick oil change place and they try to sell you the $200 radiator flush and all you came in for was the $29.99 oil change. I should have heeded the warning from my wife but I went to Aspen Dental in Danbury Ct. I decided with the New Year, I would call for a simple cleaning and check up. Well I went into the office and x-rays were taken and then I saw the dentist. I advised him prior that I had no problems with my teeth, no pain, no issues except for one filling (actually just a portion) of the filling that had fallen out about few months prior. But still with that I had no pain, no problems. I wanted a cleaning and the filling re-filled. First he started in with the “you need a deep cleaning and scaling”. As for the filling that would be simple and easy and we can schedule that for next week. He also recommended a cancer screening. I asked him why I need a cancer screening. Was it my age? (47). There was no history of cancer in my family. Well he never gave me an answer. While I was waiting for the cost of this “deep cleaning” the agent was having a long conversation with the “officer manager” or a better title would be sales manager. The total was $3400 of which I was personally responsible for $1750. They claim that the anti-biotic shots were not covered by my insurance. (Since then I have checked with my insurance and another reputable dentist and was advised that those shots are only necessary if there is an infection but not a routine). I returned on January 19th, for my simple filling. Again, I wish to repeat that I had no pain, no problems and no issues with ANY of my teeth including the tooth with some of the filling missing. Well I sit in the chair and the dentist begins to work. Prior to the procedure he explained nothing. The only question he asked was what color filling do I want? Well unbeknownst to me (he had numbed the area) he was scraping out the entire old filling. He then re-filled as a temporary filling. So thinking all was done and ok, he claims he could only do a temporary filling because he found damage to the pulp of the tooth. Mind you I did not ask him to scrape out the old filling but to fill the area that was missing. He claims I now need a root canal, which of course is close to $4500 and I would have to pay $2000 out of pocket. Not to mention that since I have left the office I have had intermittent pain in that tooth. When I came in I had no problems. In addition that evening after the procedure and when the numbing wore off I was in severe pain. I called the office immediately and gave the dentist the pharmacy number where he said he would call in pain killers. Today is the 25th and let’s just say I am still waiting for him to call in the prescription. When I called back to see why it hadn’t been called in, he stated the number I gave him was a residence number. Absolutely BS. After reading numerous complaints and listening again to my wife’s experience, I clearly see their ploy. It is called up-selling or up-charging. You come in for a simple procedure and their job is to increase your bill so that there is an overage, up and beyond what your insurance will cover. It is that plain and simple. They are more concerned with selling services than the patient.
January 23, 2009
Horrible!!!!!! Stay away!!!!
Where do I even start? Unprofessional receptionist with no knowledge of forms available on the website, was not able to use coupon on website even though a co-worker (and boyfriend) were able to...under 21 WITH dental insurance, 10 root canals, $12, 000+ to fix everything, 3 appointments per root canal, rude dentists, etc etc. I could write for days!!!
If you're even thinking about coming here, think again. They will take your money!!!
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