Neil Burgoyne
November 20, 2009
Unauthorised Credit Card use
I reside in Melbourne, Australia. Sometime prior to October 2009, I responded to a popup advertisement on the internet, to enter a competition for free trip to USA. I entered my name and details, and heard nothing until Thurday 29th October 2009. I was driving my work vehicle in the city of Melbourne, Australia, when I received a phone call (On my mobile/cell phone) from ASTAR Travel, Tampa, Florida, USA, and a guy stated I had been selected from hundreds of entrants, and won a free trip to Florida and the Bahamas for 4 people. At that time, I became quite excited as I had never won a free trip like this before, and in my exhuberance and euphoria, I began giving information over my mobile/cell phone of my personal details. The reception I was receiving was poor, and there was a lot of traffic noise. I was excited, believing I had "Won a free trip" This guy, along with others, began to explain the trip taking it in turns to talk the trip up. This went on for about 30 minutes, swapping from one person to another. Upon reflection, it was HIGH PRESSURE salesmanship of the highest order. In my excitement and euphoria, I had become a little flustered. Finally, they wanted my credit Card no. When I questioned this because it was supposed to be free, they said the trip competition was being run in conjunction with Credit Card Visa, and they had to check that I was a holder of a Visa Card. . I reluctantly divulged my Credit Card No. I cannot recall any mention of deposit (US$998) being made, even thoughh they say I agreed to it. I have since contacted them via phone on 4th November 2009, spoke to a supposedly Senior Customer Serfvice Officer Keith Barulich. After some lenghtydiscussion, Mr Barulich decided he would cancel the trip and refund the money. He said this should take 5 days or so. As of 20th November 2009, this has not occurred. Surely there is a cooling off period. I don't even know whether there is a money back clause. I had no intention to pay for this trip and the credit card payment should be refunded.