... First I should note, I am not a Layman in commenting on this situation that befell me. I am New York State Certified Tech since 1986 and became an Engineer in 2002 with my design of the first multimedia hardware system. Advertized by Intel March 2003, two weeks into the month Intel then shrunk down to the Itrinium CPU. This I hired Alienware to build for me in the Area 51 Tower on the Intel D850EMVR. This just a small amount of my personal experience to establish my credentials.
... Within one week of first use of the HDMI of the UL50VT went from intermitantly working, to not work at all. This in the portion of the Video signal. At this point I took it back to Best Buy. After they started diagnosing the problem, they loss the audio signal durring this time. This unit has been 3 times to Perth Amboy for repairs, and to the Asus manufacture 4 times, Once to Louiville, Kentucky and three time to the Asus Corporate Head Quarters in Fremont, California. Each time back from either still unrepaired. This when the first time to my Local Best Buy, I had already diagnosed the problem. The Asus repeated asking for a handshake from the HDTv (HDCP Compatible) after the first had already been recognised between the two units and operational. The recognition has never been seen by either since the first time into repair. I should also note the point of the repair reports when hardware changes were said to be done. This all repair points when hardware was stated as changed. It wasn't, the System Event logs would have had reflected the many updates that come with motherboard and IO board changes. There were none! The most outlandish of this was from the Asus Corporate Office in Fremont, California. This where the System Event Log and history showed no repair had been done. But Someone had been online gaming. This where they had actually downloaded games to UL50VT from a Gaming Web Site. Though they uninstalled the games before return the Notebook, "No" repairs had been done. When software changes weree done, they changed the operating system. I have Windows 7 Professional 64-bit on the UL50VT, yet either times they uninstalled the operating system, they installed Windows 7 Home Edition. But still it came back from unrepaired.
... Best Buy, the Geek Squad and Asus state that the problem is the HDMI Cables. Yet I use Ultra Gold Lead with a Life Time Warranty. Ultra allowed me the replacement of the two I had. Now, I have one set still brand new in their plastic packaging. And Best Buy, they offer the point for me to prove I am right and they are covering up the facts. But will cost me another couple hundred dollars in transporting my Panasonic Plasma Viera HD, plus hiring help to lift it to get there. Or I can spend a couple hundred for their inhome service to prove it.. Oh yea, no refunds if I prove their wrong and covering up the truth all along. The irrefutable point of proof, the other HDMI units Panasonic DvD w/ Surround and a Sony Vaio I5 Notebook, plus others I have work just fine with my HDTv.
... It states in the Warranty that after three times to a Best Buy Repair (Geek Squad only) the unit would be replaced. This where even more of the con artist tactics exsits. As the Best Buy Store states this must be approved by the Store Manager. But the Suoervisor of the Geek Squad said their Store Manager had been fired and had not yet been replaced. Then Corporate level of Best Buy says the Geek Squad City has to approve the replacement or refund.( Which I am left to assume is Geek Squads Head Quarters.) Which leaves me with the same people I already see are lying and covering up the facts. Last, the Local Geek Squad Supervisor has changed what he previously told me, stating, it must go to repair four times on the same point of repair (the Geek Squad Only). Needless to say, once again, it states three times in the print of the Warranty.
... This where the real kick in the teeth comes. It's obivious this point of a Best Buy Warranty is not worth the paper it's written on. Nor the Asus Warranty of the first year. As these repeated non-exsitant repairs have run out the first one, and still not being in the other After spending several hundred dollars just getting this far (The extra I spent in insurance and shipping charges to Asus itself.) Now looking at the point of Civil Suite, it will cost me several more hundred dollars in hiring a couple men and a truck to get my Panasonic Viera Plasma HD to a not so local court room, where Best Buy is at. I had given the records to Best Buy. This concerning system event logs showing the hardware changes had not actually been done. Let alone the points of what occured with gaming at the Asus Corporate Office, which was also included. Just like that of most all courts today, it is a Poker game. The one who brings the most money win's. Be it Civil or Otherwise.
... Best Buy, is a Store run by Con Artists. And All Criminals, the Law Protects them. Where good citizen's are Abused and Victimized. I have seen it time and it again in my 55 years. Were not suppose to get angry, were not suppose to get violent, were suppose to let the criminals do what they want. Then were suppose to go away. As it's either that or we are to spend all our finances in the hopes that we end up with a honest Judge. Something I have seen no where since Judge Briggs from Easton is the one and only I've ever known...
I've included my reciept as an uploaded *.jpg. Purchase was made March 5th, 2010. First use of the HDMI was October 2011. It is obvious that either points of the manufactures warranty or the extended warranty is not worth the paper it is printed on. This UL50VT has been to repair 7 times between the Manufature and the Best Buy Geek Squad. I have recorded the System logs there in proving the Hardware Replacements stated in the Repair reports were never made. I also have the shipping charges recorded From FedEx and UPS when dealing the 4 times with Asus, the manufacturer. I can also provide screen shots of the Asus rejecting the HDMI use. This where Panasonic Viera Plasma HD then rejects it. These showing all the proper setting for it's use, set appropreately. Again, I have many such proofs. Let alone the point of being able to prove it physically here with my equipment. The additional *.jpgs (Scanned images & Screenshots) and System Event logs I also have available if it would better help in the point. But the thing is you have noted here on your form Photos. Yet altogether contains 415 megs in related files. Of course the pictures are now *.Bmp files but I can convert them to *.jpgs as I will the reciept. But even at that, I don't believe that will add up to more than 90 megs difference.
I see no place for my personal info in this form. So I'll give you my VOIP which is only up durring day time hours. If I'm contacted here I can provide you with LandLine and Cell if there is a need for such. Off hours, there is Voice mail for my VOIP. This is 518-636-7304, yes, I'm in Northeastern, New York. As you can probably detect from the Information I've already provided you.