My mother is 87 years old and disabled. A sales person knocked on her door and talked her into getting bundled with AT&T Uverse saying it would save money.
Well, she got bundled all right---to the tune of having sporadic to non existant phone service, no TV. She had 3 large unmanageable boxes sitting on cardboard behind her TV.
The first time her service went out, it took five days to get it up and running again, and five different excuses on what was wrong. Bottom line, no tech knew what they were doing and all customer support could say is that they were so sorry maam.
The second time it went out (all this happened in a two month period), the TV voices came into her telephone calls. And, then the phone started buzzing---and the thing could not be turned off.
By the way, for the times that uverse was not working, she still had to pay for that time of use.
Finally, we decided to rid her of Uverse and go back to cable and get her back to her phone land line. Sound easy? Not.
On June 22, she called to have her Uverse terminated and put in a service request (complete with the identification krap questions you have to go through) to have her land line installed. The land line rep. promised service in two days. Now, it is June 26th, and, we still have no land line for her. What does Uverse say? Sorry, but, we cant find the order and the service office is closed. Sorry your 87 year old mom has no phone. By the way, she cannot get a cell signal, so a cell does not work either in her neighborhood.
Bottom line. She was scammed by Uverse. They took advanage of an elderly person for their own gain. To me, this makes AT&T the most despicable company there is. If you have AT&T, get out---now--or SORRY!