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AT&T Reviews

deethy2009 May 16, 2011
Bad Customer Services
Monday, May 16, 2011 at 8:55am


Please cancel my services here is my final pay of $62.95 I know I will receive one more prorate bill….

Speak to: Norma Customer services

1. Bad customer services
2. Not friendly
3. Over Charge
4. Place on hold for more the 5mins
5. Did not get the information that we need
6. Will not recommend for friends of family
7. No attention to detail


1. Need improve on you customer services
2. Listen to customer what we have to say
3. Honesty
4. Friendly
5. Supported

Please forward this message to you manager I will keep update…My Name Thy Hep………. I can be reach at (510) 300-5459
giuseppesim May 14, 2011
Everything about them
AT&T has been screwing up my phone service for the past 3 years now. It all started with an office move. We were moving our office to a different suite in the same building. I was told the only thing that needed to be done was to switch our lines from one phone closet to another. A week before the move date, our phones and DSL line were shut off in the middle of a work day. We are a heavily phone and internet reliant business. We make and receive 400-500 calls a day. Our clients were getting disconnect messages and we couldn't email them to warn them of the problem because our DSL was down too. After a pleading call from my cell, the phones were brought back up within an hour but all of our features were lost. No forwarding, caller ID, etc.. The DSL, we were told, could not be fixed so easily. After about 20 calls to ATT and the same answer from multiple people I gave up and tethered my cell to the server and made it a gateway so everybody could at least get client orders via email. I decided to get the new DSL line up and running in our new office so we wouldn't have issues when we moved in 14 days. They made me pay for a new line, telling me that it wasn't possible to get a dry-loop dsl line at our location. I needed to be sure we had internet, so I paid. 4 days before the move while talking to a tech about the upcoming move, I told him our DSL had been down. He asked me for the number associated with our DSL account, asked me to restart the router, within 20 minutes our DSL was restored! Everybody else told me it was deleted and impossible to restore. This dude fixed it in 20 minutes! 10 days without internet for nothing!

Fast forward to move day. They were supposed to come on the move day and switch our service, move the lines to a new phone closet. Easy, right? Wrong. We were worried that we might have a repeat experience with the phones just going down with no notice so I forwarded the calls to another location and I had everybody work from there. Then we lost our forwarding again...then the phones started shutting down again. All of our clients were getting fast-busy or disconnect messages. But still no tech on site! I called AT&T to have them emergency forward the calls to our second location. They said they would have to "hard program a forward, I would have to call back to get it reversed". Fine, go for it. The person I talked to told me it would take a few minutes to propagate to the switch and to just call back if I needed anything more. Against my better judgment, I hung up. After a few minutes of repeated frantic testing, the calls were finally transferred. But the phone support person neglected to program in the area code (are there still places that don't require you to dial the area code?) so everybody who called was getting an irritating tone blasted in their ear telling them they needed to dial the area code to be connected. When I called to try to get it fixed I couldn't find a single person who understood what was done to set up the forward. Some even told me it couldn't be done. After another 15 phone calls (at this point I just started hanging up on CSRs who sounded like they might not know and redialing) I finally found someone who was able to forward. During that time, our employees called all 75+ clients and gave them a cell number to call.
At about 6pm the day of the move, I finally found someone who arranged for a tech to come out and move the lines. By 8pm everything was working as it should. Finally. Except we still didn't have forwarding or caller ID. Normally at night we forward our calls to different "on call" people. We had to stay in the office overnight to answer calls. We couldn't risk losing service again. We got the "features" working the following business day. For some reason every week on Thursday at 3am for the next 3 months our "features" were deleted. Every damn week I would get a call from the "on-call" person telling me the forwarding stopped working. I would call and try to get it fixed but the folks working at night are the worst. If you ask them something they can't answer, they just hang up on you. It took many many calls to finally get the call forwarding to "stick".
I'm just going to lump the rest of the crap that happened, and continues to happen, together:
1) Lost our 800 number after the move - Just disappeared, poof. I called to find out why and was told it got cancelled and another company has it now. We can't get it back for you. It was 800-###-Our company name. Need to change some marketing materials...
2) All of our high volume calling plan rates tripled. I sent copies of our contract 4 times before they got it straightened out for local calling. They had to cancel and reinitialize our LD to get it straightened out and we still receive double-billing and collection calls for an account that no longer exists. I am worried about what will happen when the contract is up and we haven't met our quota on this ghost account...
3) Our account manager disappeared. When I called to reinstate my HVCP for local service, I was told I would have to speak with a third-party to arrange for a new contract. Was told completelink no longer exists. Turns out that was lie as they are billing my DSL line on completelink. More about that later...
4) There is so much more. I've spent at least one full day a month on the phone trying to get some crap straightened out.
5) Now, out of the f**king blue, the line I had put in for the DSL has a charge of $8.25 for the past 2 months for "DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE MONTHLY CHARGE" Enhanced Telecommunications? And all of a sudden every freaking online directory service has our DSL line listed as our main phone number!!! I hooked a phone up to it and it started ringing 10 minutes later. How in the hell do I undo this freaking mess?!? I never authorized a Directory Assistance charge. Especially on a line I installed just to make sure they didn't f**k up my DSL installation during my office move. I am so sick of this. I TRULY HATE AT&T!!! I need to just switch providers. Why in the hell did I sign a contract?!

We had a high volume calling plan but when the
holbrook heating May 13, 2011
terrible service
There bill is never what they say it will be. We have a company with 30 phones the bill is never right and their service to address the problems is terrible. We went to verizon.
JRoGA May 13, 2011
Reduction of services - no options
I work full-time from home with heavy internet usage and require high-speed internet. Service was noticeably slow and when I tested the line - was getting only 1.9 mbs for a 6.0 service. Called them and after being on hold and passed between no fewer than ten people (between sales and tech support) was FINALLY told that they are eliminating DSL service and had reduced my service from 6.0 to 3.0. Nice. Then told me that UVerse is now available in my area and that is why. Fine. Ordered it. Waiting on day of installation and then I receive a call from the installer - who is at an address we had THREE years ago. Seriously? I already have AT&T service and am paying a bill sent to the correct address and they send the installer to an incorrect address?!? And surprise! Uverse is NOT available at my actual address. Called Comcast that day but forgot to call forward my phone number before they installed my new phone line. I've been waiting a week now for AT&T to send me the number to call to activate remote call forwarding before Comcast ports my number over. So many expletives I want to use. AT&T will NEVER get my business again. NEVER. EVER. EVER. Bad customer service, bad business decisions.
mbug May 9, 2011
AT&T's business practices are unethical. It is obvious that they structure their employee's compensation and perhaps termination deals such that they are desperate to keep customers and sign people up for new accounts.

I have been signed up for an account without my authorizations, or even slight indication that that was my intention. I called to AT&T to get information about internet service plans when I moved to a new house. Gave my address and one or two other details, which I thought were being asked to figure out which plans were available in my area. Toward the end of the call, I had an intuition that the customer service rep was setting up an account for me. She was littering the call with requests for information and was very sly about it! So I asked her if this is what she was doing, and she said yes, don't you want service? I said no, I am just doing research, and am not interested in an account at this time.

A week later an local AT&T installer called and said he was setting up service at our house. And then we got a DSL package in the mail. Luckily hadn't given them any information that would enable them to charge me, because who knows if they would cancel the account based on my previous experience trying to do that...

At my previous home, prior to moving, I called and cancelled my AT&T DSL account. They continued charging me for five months before I noticed. It's been about a total of 5 hours on the phone with them to get the money back. They sent a check for about 1/3 of the amount due. Now on the phone again.
ajaib ebrahim May 8, 2011
sending to me the bill of three different kinds of account number
I was having an agrement with at&t for home phone and internet service antill December 2010.Then I call at&t to disconnect the home phone and keep only the internet service with the new promotion which means $14.95 .according to my request they gave me the new account number for internet service and disconnect the telephone service.But on the next monthly bill they keep sending to me the bill for disconnected telephone and the previous internet service plan.And they disconnect the internet service without sending any notice, then I call them again to solve the problem March 9, 2011.and I talk to the customer service agent name called LINDY, her agent number (9514), She ask me to pay $52.47 .and I pay the full amount She asked me and she gave me the confirmation #405052036.for payment I made.and she make adjestment for $75.00 with confirmation # 030911-1303 .After that she gave me another new account number for the promotion plan which means $14.95 .although they gave me new account number, still they are sending the bill amount countrary to our agreement which means $35.00 for one month by the account numer 408 885-1790 which it's billing date April 13, 2011 and it's due date May 13, 2011 .and I pay $35.00 april 26, 2011 by the confirmation #674225044 .also they send by account #088 049-1803 it's billing date April 14, 2011.and the due date may 13, 2011 with amuont of $43.40 .And another account number 408 885 0899 it's billing date March 08, 2011. and the due date March 30, 2011 .with the amount of $143.12 . So I am confused that which is my correct bill and account number? whil i was asking
at&t company to solve this problem I got another bill from BAY AREA CREDIT SERVICE LLC.with amount of $143.12 .So I ask to whom it may concern to solve this problem which is affecting my credit.I appricate for your concideration.Thankyou,
zzluckyzz May 7, 2011
Quality/Customer Service
I have been a customer of Cingular/At&T for 12 years. I have never called in with a complaint before, but tonight I tried to resolve an issue I had with a sub-par phone they sold me. I purchased a phone, and I noticed it didn't work correctly (let me state here that as long as a phone dials out & receives calls/texts I am good with it-I'm not a fancy shopper). I called in, they wanted to troubleshoot. No problem. Seamed to work fine for 3 days, then I noticed the problems again. It was always an "occasional" (yet bothersome) issue, so that' s why I didn't catch it immediately. I called in and after 1 hr I got a replacement (of the same model) sent out. Let me go ahead and state here - the model I was sold is one of the lowest rated on the AT&T website (so it's not like they didn't know about it's issues). I got my replacement, then of course, noticed the same problems (plus a couple of newbies!) soon after. I called in tonight, was transferred, put on hold for ever, and for what? Three hours later, I'm livid. They can give me the same model again. Or they can LET ME BUY a different one - they'd even give me a slight discount if I signed another 2 year contract on one of my FOUR LINES. Like I couldn't get that exact same "deal" in any other store I walked into. Nevermind the fact that I've been with them for 12 YEARS. I can't believe that I would be treated with such disrespect. I've never even knocked another company online...but this is unbelievable. I couldn't understand why other people hated AT&T. I thought they were just nuts/upset for reasons AT&T couldn't control...I mean, big companies deal with millions everyday. I had just never truly dealt with them before...they're great when all they have to do is take your money and offer you cheap service/phones. Come at them with an issue? Haha...good luck, my friend. I've got to sign off here and look up other cell provider's numbers, but I do hope you think twice (or at least do your homework :) ) before signing on the dotted line with this company.
Janie88 May 6, 2011
deceptive marketing
Beware of calling AT&T with a technical problem. They are not there to fix your problem. They are there to sell and they will tell whatever lie they need to to make that sale. I waited on hold for over an hour just to get scammed. They tried to sell me services I was already paying for. They tried to sell me services I did not need at all. They lied and told me that some services were included with the purchase of other services, but in fact they are charged separately. Very aggressive and rude staff!
Webugn May 6, 2011
Canceling services w/ no notice
Beware! At&t cancels services w/out customer knowledge. The UNITY PLAN is no longer in effect. That is where you can make n/c ( minutes don't count) landline calls from your cell phone. Did At&t tell me the client that has EVERY bundle that they offer? NO! To make matters worse, I go in the to the At&t store to buy a new "pay as you go phone" ( contract has expired and I refuse to do another 2 yrs w/ them). "Yes mam you are on the Unity plan". I couldn't understand why my minutes and roll over minutes were being eaten up. Unity Plan was cancelled by At&T 3-4 months ago. Did the guy in the store know this? Not till I brought it to his attention!!! Also in 2009, my son got an Iphone. $25 TALK TEXT & SURF credit every month was supposed to be applied. I had to call every month to get the credit. This no longer is in effect. None of the At&t reps know what they are talking about. not even their supervisors. I signed up for Messaging to Family, which is UNLIMITED MOBILE TO MOBILE and family texting for 5. $30 a month. Son was paying $20 anyway, so I may be able to drop down to 700 minutes instead of 1400. That then will cancel the A LIST! No one tells you what gets cancelled out, so be very aware of what they are doing. I did get 1400 minutes added back to account. I figure the guy knows the Unity Plan got cancelled so they owed it to me. I am currently looking into other options. So long At&t, you suck! I'm 45 yrs old w/ perfect credit. Adios. I hope this helps someone. Good Luck, you are going to need it w/ AT&T idiots.
melancholy1 May 4, 2011
refuses to stop billing on fraudulent account
Accounts including the purchase of ipod & ipad were opened fraudulently (we think, based on credit report activity) in July 2010. The fraud was discovered in January 2011 and *immediately* reported to AT&T. All legal authorizations (the victim is a quadriplegic vet who is also hearing impaired ... couldn't use a cell phone if he wanted to!) including Power of Attorney and police reports have been provided to AT&T no less than 4 times between January 2011 and April 2011.

AT&T continues to bill (now on paper as all financial accounts were closed due to widespread fraud and thefts), the bill from January 2011 to the one received today, 4th May 2011, now total over $700 above and beyond the original fraud and billing up until the point of discovery.

Consumer Protection is now involved and has been told by AT&T's fraud department that we should pay this ever-increasing bill, bring it up in court (the culprit has been jailed since the end of January), and the *court* will get the money back from the criminal. You know, the criminal who has a public defender because he was declared indigent. This case may not go to trial this year, yet, presumably, AT&T would continue billing for services not provided on accounts that were opened fraudulently.

Setting the fraud aside for a moment, both the victim in this case and the power of attorney (again, this has been sent to AT&T no less than 4 times) have requested that all accounts be stopped and a full accounting of the history be sent. AT&T refuses to do any of this.

At this point, we can't even turn over full information on what the thief has done in this good man's name because AT&T won't provide it. (Wouldn't that be obstruction of justice?)

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