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Category: Home & Garden
Contact Information North Carolina, United States
AT&T Reviews
September 15, 2008
Rebate on all my serives I signed up for
I have taken all of At&t services such as Internet, Dish Network, phone service with a promise of a rebate . To this day I have not received nothen.
September 15, 2008
Bad service
We signed up at the Berwyn store, forgoing the rebates available for signing-up online, so we could make sure our service was ordered correctly. J signed us up for HD Dish service, although we did not know it was HD until later, and the Elite DSL package, all with a rebate for keeping a month of service.
We had problems with the Dish connection going in and out, sometimes 5 times an hour; we thought the reception just was bad. It was not until we found out the technician hooked up only 3 of the 4 televisions, that we were told he installed HD equipment (more expensive) and that was causing our reception problems.
Customer service said that he should have noticed we did not have any HD TVÃ���Ã��Ã�¢Ã��Ã�¯Ã��Ã�¿Ã��Ã�½Ã��Ã�¯Ã��Ã�¿Ã��Ã�½s, and hooked up the regular equipment. So a technician had to come back, a week later, to take out the HD equipment, replace it, and hook up the 4th TV. After making a complaint against the first technician, he was not only on his cell phone constantly, but he made my husband help him for 4 hours, causing my husband to miss half a day of work, customer service said they would send a manger to set-up the correct equipment. Instead, we got a non-manager that asked us what the problem was. We were told that he would ask for a correction to our bill, for the weeks with problem service, but he said to call customer service when we got the bill.
After getting the bill, I have been unable to reach anyone that can explain the numerous charges and credits. After transfers, waiting, and dropped calls, I was transferred to the DISH company. Vanessa explained that they paid AT&T for the mistakes made, and I do not owe them anything.
Our Elite DSL was a dream, until 2 weeks into service. We started losing signal from the house to the server, so I called Technical Support. TS suggested we were not getting enough signal in the house, and tried transferring me to a senior tech. After 30 minutes on hold, I hung-up. My husband then called the next day, and after doing some tests, they sent a technician to the house a couple days later. Our area, and our house, does not support the Elite AT&T DSL. Our choices are to accept the higher speed with less connection, or downgrade the service.
At this point, I called the Berwyn store, and left a voice mail for the manger, letting her know how much trouble JÃ��Ã�¯Ã��Ã�¿Ã��Ã�½Ã��Ã�¯Ã��Ã�¿Ã��Ã�½s mistakes were, and how much time and frustration they are causing everyone in the house. It has been 3 days, and I have not gotten a return phone call from the manager.
Downgrading the DSL was a series of dropped calls, and lost hours on hold. Finally, LaToya, 173871605, credited our account for the problems in August, then lost me during a transfer to downgrade service. Linda, C528927, downgraded our service, credited 5 dollars for August, and gave us 5 dollars off a month for a year. She was wonderful. While I was on hold to get the downgrade done immediately, I hung-up after 30 minutes, and called back.
Upon calling back, I got a technician that asked me if I wanted to downgrade my service, after I explained it was already downgraded. He then asked me if I had paid on the account, and how much. The bill is not due for 2 more weeks! I told him I will pay it when the service works. He transferred me to another woman that couldnÃ���Ã��Ã�¢Ã��Ã�¯Ã��Ã�¿Ã��Ã�½Ã��Ã�¯Ã��Ã�¿Ã��Ã�½t understand why a technician would ask about my bill. She also confirmed what Linda did, and attempted to transfer me again. Again, I hung-up after 30 minutes on hold, and expected the service to be working in 24 hours.
It has been over 24 hours, and the service is slow and unsteady. The internet connection keeps getting lost. An attempt to contact someone through online chat ended in another dropped signal, after a long wait, of course.
I was not able to ask about the closer coupon we are not in the system for, the rebate Jessica said we would get. Nor has anyone else in the course of customer service and transferring been able to help.
It has been only a month and 10 days. I have been on the phone with AT&T for almost a full month.
And that brings me to now.
I thought I hated Comcast, until I signed up for AT&T.
I want to know why my DISH bill is 112.24.
I want the DSL rebate we were told we were going to get.
I want good internet that works all the time.
I want to know why it has taken a month and a half to get these services to work, and why I cannot get any one person on the phone that can answer these simple questions.
I want an apology from J, for all the trouble she has caused me, and an apology from her manager for not returning my call.
As soon as we get internet service, this email will be sent to AT&T customer service, the Berwyn, Illinois AT&T office, the Better Business Bureau,, all my friends and family, and everyone and anyone else I can think of.
September 14, 2008
Avoid them!
I bought the new iphone 3G from AT&T Wireless six days ago. The phone has gone dead. While charging it got EXTREMELY HOT and fried itself! I tried to return it to the AT&T store and they said "You can only return the iphone to a Apple store". I argued that since it is only 6 days old and clearly a defective product that I was sold they should exchange it. AT&T very rudely informed me that I could take it to the nearest Apple store to be fixed (90 miles away) or just be happy with my broken phone.
I made the trip to the Apple Store and they told me I could by a replacement phone for another $199.00 or do the smart thing and get it exchanged at AT&T! I am so pissid at this experience!
If thats not enough, there was also another guy at the Apple store trying to return his defective phone. Same
prolblem. Do yourself a favor and avoid
So far I am stuck with this wireless phone that seems like its only good for starting fires.
September 12, 2008
Made difficult to receive government benefit by lying
On the week that the government names this national Lifeline week - 8-13 of sept. I called AT&T to set up service and secure the benefit of lifeline as I have a disability and am told I am eligible. Well first I was told to contact my social worker. Next I was told I had to wait for a letter that would take 7-10 days before It arrived and almost a month before I could get service.
Now I live alone and having a mobility issue is what lifeline was designed for. However AT&T despite government mandate is bent on obstruction those unable to fend for them self from getting the service they require.
AT&T needs to be investigated by ADA and the attorney general office for mishandling a federally mandated program that was created to insure service to all customers in Florida, specifically the less fortunate.
September 11, 2008
Lack of customer service
Hello. My complaint has to do with AT&T's lack of customer service/billing. When I call customer service to ask a question, I get put on hold, and half the time, I am either just left on hold, or the call gets disconnected. This is very frustrating, especially when I have past due amount to be paid, and need to make arrangements to pay it before they shut off my service for non-payment. I cannot afford to lose service, or am not able to switch to a company with real customer service.
September 11, 2008
Customer Service
AT&T customer service at all levels is awful.
I have had two issues which required AT&T to send an installer/technician in the past six months. The first issue led to AT&T sending an installer who didn't do the complete installation because he was too lazy (or incompetent) to do the work. So we had to wait a week -- and I had to take another full day off work -- for the second installer to come and finish the work. My cost: a second day's pay.
The second issue involved problems with my DSL business. AT&T knows less about networks than President Bush knows about performing open heart surgery. Enough said? They schedule a morning visit and showed up at 7 PM. That's not a typo -- 7 in the evening. A full day off work wasted waiting for someone who didn't have the courtesy to call to say he would be many hours late. He couldn't figure out the problem, so he said he would return the next day. So I took another day off work, and he showed up at 7 PM again. He couldn't figure out the problem again so -- against my objection -- he closed out the repair ticket knowing that the problem remained. That was a month ago, and AT&T has still not fixed the problem.
Tonight I learned that the latest (failed) attempt to fix this problem -- which involved me granting AT&T remote access to my computer -- caused a complete blockage of email in and out. I have spoken to four AT&T level two technicians since late yesterday and two were absolute idiots. The second one argued with me that what the first one told me to do (that solved part of the problem) would not work. The third one downloaded my email to his computer to test out a theory and failed to return it to me. So now AT&T has my email and I can't get it.
AT&T is offering the 3G network for the new Apple 3G iPhone. What they don't tell you is: (1) 3G coverage is very spotty in major markets like Chicago, (2) when you leave an area of 3G coverage your iPhone will drop the call you are on, (3) in 3G mode the battery runs down about twice as fast which means it won't make it through the day if you use your phone.
As far as I am concerned, AT&T does not deserve anyone's business.
September 10, 2008
Poor customer service
First the disconnected my cell phone services in A august, I wanted an explanation since I had gone to the bank and got copies of the canceled check they cashed in August 2008. I was so angry..., they apologized and the next day reconnected services. It still ruined my whole entire day since I was moving that day and did not have services, your basic CRISIS. then i AM ON MY WAY TO SEE MY DOCTOR AND i WAS SUPPOSE TO BRING SOM FILES FROM ANOTHER DOCTOR i CALLED TO SEE IF THEY WERE READY, MY PHONE IS OUT OF SERVICE. This time they claimed I owe a payment for July. After my long intensive research at home I discovered I paid every single month and have records to prove with canceled checks. I decided at this point to switch providers. AT&T is incompetent, negligent, rude, they lack intelligence and knowledge on how to run the business or even which month is due, they don't have a clue. Is like having a bunch of immature young girls scouts running the show, totally CLUELESS. It is basically a joke, I rather go for smart/ professional customer service.
September 9, 2008
They lie about rates then charge what they want
I am very upset and outraged about the way I have been treated in recent months by AT&T.
A while ago an AT&T rep asked me if I would like to upgrade to the highest DSL speed at no extra cost. I agreed. Instead, he added a 2nd DSL line to my account! Every time I get a bill I am charged twice for DSL service and have spent a great deal of time sorting this out. Each time, I’m assured it won’t happen again, but it does.
About a month ago, because of this and other issues, I arranged to switch my service to Vonage. I was sent to AT&T’s “Save” department where I was offered the following for $80, permanently, including taxes: Two lines, unlimited long distance, DSL and Complete Choice.
When that deal did not show up on my most recent bill (but the extra DSL charge did), I called and was told there was no way I could get such a rate; that the best rate would be $94.95 for six months, and then I will have to call back.
My husband got on the phone and asked to speak with a supervisor. When she came on the line he told her that he was going to record the call, and she terminated the call! It’s OK for them to record me but it’s not OK for me to record them? Therefore, nothing was resolved after spending more than an hour on the phone with the person she was supervising.
This is absolutely outrageous and I do not appreciate all the time and aggravation I have been subjected to.
AT&T employees have either been downright incompetent or outright liars. I’m not sure which. This is no way to treat customers.
September 9, 2008
Unreliable service
I have AT & T U-verse, DSL, and phone service. The first 6 months perfect... since then 12 service calls later. The picture freezes, breaks up, I get knocked off the DSL, phone has static. How many techs does it take to correct the problems? Of course after every service call the techs all say the same - your all set. No I am not. Half an hour after the last tech left same problem again, picture freezing, DSL not staying connected. I would not recommend AT & T to anyone. I am currently searching for new TV, DSL & phone provider. AT & T has the worst Customer Service.
September 5, 2008
Bad service and false information
Let us start off by stating the AT&T is like Nightmare on Elm Street. I got the at&t U-verse on 8/05/08 because I felt my DSL was little slow and decided to change services to U-verse because of what I was told would happen if I did change my service to U-verse. First of all they got my order wrong and if I had called the day before I would have the wrong service and only one stream of HD TV. I had ordered for HD TV's. This is only the beginning of things yet to come. I was also promised (2) $100 rebates because of the expense to cancel Dish Network service. When I inquired about it, a $100 rebate was all I was going to get. They installed the U-verse and incorrectly. For the first technition was confuse as what to do. Another came and still installed wrong. Had bad TV reception and picture freeze constantly!
The problem according to the majority of the technitions is cross talk at the telephone cable box, regarding wiring twist. I was advice that engineering knew about the problem over a month now and still has not fix it. I have called them every other day for over a month now with the problems unresolved. Promised several times will be out to replace block in box. Still has not happen. Sent it to Escalations department twice and once in department above it. Still not resolved. Several neighbors drop their service completely with AT&T because of U-verse. I would advice not getting this service because of all the technical problems and no service at all.
Found out that most people in the service department been with company only a few weeks. And in Fort Worth they are checking in their trucks and quiting as fast as they hire new ones. Problems from company from top to bottom!!! People promised to be there at certain times. Never once they ever showed up on time. Other times said they would get back. Never Happens. Three times have been promised problem at box will be repaired by such and such time. Three times it never happen. When one calls back the number there is never a reply back. This is AT&T at its best. Had Service with this company for over 10 years. Will start getting rid of all service with them. I am in Crime Watch and Code Enforcement and I never saw such a gross neglect service as AT&T!!!
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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