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Category: Home & Garden
Contact Information North Carolina, United States
AT&T Reviews
September 5, 2008
Beware of them
I was in Vietnam from July 6th-July 22nd. I arrived at the hotel and the last I saw of my phone was just after I arrived at the hotel. I remember putting it in my bag in the hotel room. I had no reason to look for the phone during my stay as I had no intention to use it. Instead I used Skype etc. for my calls.
On July 22nd, I was packing and noticed my phone was not there. I thought there could be a possibility it could be deep in the over packed luggage so I decided to wait until the next day when I got home.
On the 23rd, I went to an Apple Store and purchased and iPhone and told them to cancel my previous phone. The clerk said there was no problem. Then I discovered that there were charges during the period my phone was missing. I tried to explain my circumstances to the agent. She was extremely rude and accusatory. She kept me and my friend on hold for over 30 minutes.
I re-contacted AT&T several times. Finally I was called by Ms. Barbara G. in the payment disputes area. She said that the charge would be over $2000. She understood the problem and reviewed my entire account history: the phone bill was always exactly the same every month. I paid with auto-pay and was never late. I had never called with international roaming ever in the history of the account, which was previously singular except for last May when I had the international calling plan for that purpose. Aside from that, I made ZERO international calls, ZERO data transfers etc. when I was abroad. In fact, I had been explicitly told I could NOT call internationally until the international roaming had been activated from the US. Ms. G. worked for 3-4 hours on the problem.
She called and said that the issue had been taken care of, but that the bill had not come up yet, so the charges would appear but then be waved. I asked her if she was sure that the issue was resolved. She said, "I will pay it myself if it is not...I am that sure". She said that certain people "did not get it" - people were making claims like, "But he was using the phone July 23rd" - Yes, indeed I was, that was the period I restarted my phone and there was no dispute with that.
On August 7th(?) I called AT&T on the billing date to make sure everything was ok. The agent said that the regular charge of $108 had appeared but not the disputed charges. He said MS. G. had done everything right. He asked if I wanted to disable autopay to avoid the disputed charges from being debited if they should occur. I said that I'd wait and check the next month. Basically, I had no dispute with the charges to the time I left LAX on July 4th and after July 23rd when I got the new iPhone.
In the last days of August, I checked my account statement, it was now $3500. Again, my account has been pretty much exactly the same amount - previously $35 etc. every month. I called customer service. They acted like they were hearing all of this for the first time. When I referred to Ms. G., the new person said, "These notes are not that clear..." After being kept on hold 30+ minutes several times, I was told another high level review would occur.
I mentioned that Ms. G. had taken very extensive notes and assured me all was taken care of. They made me go through the whole issue again. Each time I call, the agent reads a different version of what was written - so the disputed period starts on July 6th? July 8th? All of the extensive notes taken by Ms. G. and all of the hours spent were wasted.
It took one week for them to call me back. I was told that the claim was denied. I asked why. First, the agent said because I did not report the phone missing. I explained to her that I did not know the phone was missing as I did not plan to use it in Vietnam, I had no reason to take it out. She then said that allegedly there was a phone charge made on July 11th which had been made on another statement. I went through the charges on that date point by point, she could not point out the disputed charge to me. Then she claimed there was a text message sent that was sent in previous months. I said I would check out what this was.
I asked the agent why the claim was denied without calling me. The agent said, "Well it was denied, maybe that's why..." The agent apologized and said the issue would be reviewed again. I paid the portion of my bill that was not disputed.
Several minutes later I checked out the issue of the text message. They were all of the series 101-010. These text messages are from AT&T itself and are sent when certain emails are received. I had several alerts set up so when the person in Vietnam began using my phone, this text message indeed came in. It was automated from my email account. This same text message also came in this month and almost every month. Thus, when the person who stole my phone started talking, a text message was sent to the phone. It was still automated and this same automated text message occurred that month and almost every month for that reason.
I called back AT&T and asked the agent to note this in my record. She kept me on hold for a very long time, said she didn't know what to do. I asked for a supervisor. He at least listened and wrote down my explanation regarding the incoming text message.
I was also told by Ms G. that I could contact her if there was a problem but assured me all was fine. But when I did call and asked for her, I was told by numerous people, "I can't contact her directly, I can only send an email..." Other agents have said, "I can't contact her.." So someone has been lying to me.
I am extremely upset about this issue because
1) Ms G. spent 3-4 hours on it and assured me in no uncertain terms the situation was ok and told me I could contact her if there were problems
2) I pointed out there was never any irregularity in my account ever. It was always exactly the same amount and paid by auto-pay every month. I never called internationally or had international roaming on the phone ever except for last May when I called from Mexico using the international calling plan.
3) I have to re-explain the whole case each time I call, everyone ignoring the previous comments made. The dates that I have disputed change each time, showing the sloppy state of their record keeping
4) The disputed charges did not appear in the next billing period but in the one after that
5) The person denied my claim on the flimsiest of reasons - a call that allegedly was made and appeared in other statements - they cannot tell me which call that is when I look at the online statement. The text messages that came in were from AT&T itself. But the person reviewing my case did not bother to take this into account
6) I have no certainty that the charges will not reappear at any time. I was assured once the problem would be resolved. The charges reappeared. I am unable to contact the people making the decision on the case, they contact me only when a decision has been made. Their record keeping is extremely sloppy and they make assumptions that should have been explained in the extensive notes taken by Ms. G.
The alleged charges are approx $3, 040.00
September 4, 2008
Unauthorized payments via AT&T
This is an unauthorized payment that has been deducted via of my phone bill AT&T. I advise you to cease taking money form my AT&T account for I did not authorized these payments.
September 4, 2008
Stop subscription
I would just like to stop my subscription, I was under the assumption that it was free, I have only downloaded 1 ringtone and have been charged for 2 months.
September 3, 2008
No action or concern on stolen phones
In February, 2008 my ATT/AT&T TILT phone was stolen. The HTC 8195 is pretty much the top of the line at ATT/AT&T with the IPHONE so the cost was above $400. Several weeks after buying it my phone was stolen- the perpetrator answered it several times the next day. This phone is serial number identified, has GPS etc but ATT washes their hands of it and actually facilitates the trafficking of these stolen phones. They refuse to insure these phones, have no program that they'll talk about to recover or catch those reactivating with a new SIM card and essentially laugh all the way to the bank. DO a search on ATT TILT on E-bay or Craigslist for a quick demo of what's going on. Racketeering? Yes Negligence? Yes Fraud? Perhaps... They certainly have the means and ability to do more, to do something, why don't they? Check with your provider to see if they use stolen phones as an income booster or take the interests of their customer into account...
September 1, 2008
Charges for lost cell phone
About a month ago, I lost my cell phone, and thought that I lost it in the house, well, to my surprise, a black woman had gotten a hold of it and was using it. The AT&T Company was billing us for the usage for the phone. After telling them for about 1000 times that the phone was not in my procession, they were still billing me!!! I asked them to track the number, but they wouldn’t. On a cell phone bill, you could always trace where a call came from. Well, they finally cut the phone off, but a few days after that, I tried the number, and somebody picked up, the same time the phone should’ve been OFF!!! I think that she knew somebody in the business, and had it turned on.
August 31, 2008
They lied to get contract
May 2008 - Purchase an air card from AT&T wireless.
May 2008 - Receive air card. Doesn't work. Call customer service, they can't figure it out. Went to local store. Turns out it just wasn't activated. Thanks for wasting my time (3 days) and gas with ignorance.
May 2008 - Told I can suspend my card and only pay $10/mo instead of the full $60/mo. Accept the contract under the guise that this is true, because I travel overseas quite a bit.
June 2008 - Suspend card, travel overseas.
August 2008 - Did not receive $100 rebate for air card. Turns out, you can't receive the rebate while the card is suspended. Why does that rule exist? That's ok, I'll unsuspend later when back in the states, then get the rebate (instead of paying the $60/mo to have it unsuspended). Trying to save money like everyone else.
Late August 2008: Check bill. Realize I did not get the $10/mo suspension deal. Still charged $60/mo. Call to find out the problem. Keep getting disconnected when transferred. So, try to e-mail from my AT&T account. Turns out, you can't just send an email, but you go through an entire ordeal of identifying the subject of the email, etc. When you are done, it does not let you email, it says that your problem will be solved better if you call. 2 hours later, I finally get through on the phone.
Same day, the call: They tell me that I cannot get a reduction in price for a suspension. Apparently, I was either blatantly lied to in May in order for me to accept the original contract, or the representative had no idea what he was talking about. Either way, it was what I was told. Yet, they will not refund me the money I was told I would save. So, I ask to cancel. Well, then they charge me $125 for early termination. Then, the lady insinuates that I accepted the contract and that just because I was told one thing, doesn't mean I'm not at fault. So, I cancelled anyway and wish to fight it.
Logical Point: I would not have purchased the product if I couldn't save money suspending it. I am only in the states 3 months out of the year. I was told that suspending it would drop the price to $10/mo, so I accepted the contract. Either through ignorance or malice, I was told something that was not true, and I have to pay for it. Plus, I don't get a rebate. Total money that I should not have paid, but have to anyway because a representative told me wrong info:
- $50 for one pay period
- $50 for another pay period
- $100 rebate
- $125 cancellation fee
Total: $325 that AT&T steals from me all because they told me one thing that wasn't true.
How do you fight this? I have no record of the original conversation. Guess the only way is to post this wherever I can.
August 31, 2008
Money scam
I have had the worst service with AT&T I moved here In January and ordered service from At&t; Every month my bill has been around $800.00 !!! When I call they always want to recredit and give credits but each month it's back the same and they never credit the right amount from bill . I have been on the phone for hours each time and they promise it's fixed and again the next month the same thing. When you ask for the CEO or the complant office they send you to Asia!!! The killer is I have the budget plan so my bill should be around $100.00
each month. When I stopped the wireless service they charged me for early discontinuation. What can we do!!
They also say I have all bills bundled and I stopped that and the wireless service months ago.. So why this month $772.00??!!
August 31, 2008
Bad service
My nextdoor neighbor has DSL from AT&T but AT&T refuses to hook me up to the same system. The system next door is 1/2 mile from the terminal box whereas my terminal box is 2-1/2 miles away. AT&T people have explained to me that my telephone service is compromised because my phone connection is too far of a distance to that terminal box. There are many, many breaks and repairs in those lines and AT&T staff have repeatedly asked AT&T to supply DSL to the rest of us in the community. I am disgusted with AT&T and do not go to a competitor because that new entity would use the existing AT&T line. I am unable to rent the mobile home on my property because no one wants dial-up for the Internet.
I would like nothing more than to never see the logo of AT&T again! I do have to have a land line though and am trapped by the poor service and attitudes of AT&T.
August 29, 2008
Slow check time
I was out of cable for 42 days. I had numerous techs., managers, and my local energy company out several times. I was stood up on several different accounts by techs. and dispatch to come out to my house to fix my problems. I was told that they could not fix the problem and that I needed to close my account. SO I DID. I got a call from att 1 week later and was told that the problem was fixed. So I asked what was the problem: some teenage boy found a TV by the dumpster and hooked it up. That was killing my signal. So, they led me on and told me that they would give me my package back at a much cheaper rate. I was paying $99 cable, $30 Internet, $50 for my phone. They took it down to $79 cable, $20 Internet, $40 phone. $40 dollar saving/ month, first month free and a discount of an extra $20 for the first six months. That was all fine and dandy. So I went for it. Just like any other person would. Well my problem is that I canceled my account with a bill for $127.00 and I was told that I would have a total of $420.00 credits. For being stood up, taking 4 days off work (through out) the 42 days and all other things horrible that at&t causes US. Well this was on 7/9/08. I was told that I would have a CHECK for $293 after my final bill was cut in 7-10 days. I called back on 7/21 to find out when my check would be available. They told me that the check would cut with the final bill...which would cut on my NEXT billing cycle (not 7-10 days) on 8/1/08. I asked why I was told it would be 7-10 days and they told me the CUST. SERV. REP. worded it wrong. I said fine and called back 8/1/08 and the check was still not posted. I asked what was taking so long and they said that it takes a few days to post to the account. Then I was told that it was not in fact a $293 check to be mailed to me. That it was a total of $293 in credits... MINUS the $127. so a check would be mailed for like $108. I was mad and asked to speak with a manager and was told one would have to call me in 24-48 hours to solve my problem. I called back a week later and asked to talk to a manager and was told one was not going to call because there was nothing that could be done. Their exact words were...WE GAVE YOU ENOUGH! A MANAGER IS NOT GOING TO GIVE ME $420. WHY WOULD THEY GIVE ME THAT MUCH FOR ME TO SIT AT HOME AND DO NOTHING WHILE A TECHNICIAN DID ALL THE WORK. I asked to speak with a manager to have that called reviewed and was told one would call me in 24-48 hours. I called back a week later w/ my attorney on the phone. (which was my sister). Need less to say I got the manager. I opened with why did I wait 2 weeks to talk to a manager that was to call me in 24-48 hours. She said that there was no note to call... either time! So I went through the whole story and asked for the tapes to be reviewed. She said my check was in "processing" and it would be here in 7-10 business days. It is now 8/29/08 and still no check. I really do have an attorney now, the tapes will be subpoenaed to our court date on 10/17. That is my night mare with at&t that has been going on for almost 4 months now.
August 29, 2008
Digital cable at its worst
Where do I start with At&t's completely bogus attempt at offering digital cable. Firstly it is not even offered by At&t it's a company called Dish net. So you spend half your time arguing and helping these to moronic companies communicate to each other. For example my At&t bill had one price and when i called the dish net the, had a completely differnt price. So I spent 6 hours going back and forth between these two companies to help them communicate to eachother. This is only half the story, I didn't even mention the 3rd party technician who don't even work for Dish net and the company dosn't even know who they are untill they do something wrong.
The end of the story. Don't be fouled by some stupid bundle advert from At&t, they don't know or even have cable tv services. Hey why don't you just stick to what you know At&t?
...currently still on hold.
dennis in California
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