I ordered internet and land line from AT&T three weeks ago. It took 2 weeks for a technician to come out because it takes time to "port" the phone number. He did a great job; however, we discovered that there was no long distance added to the phone line even though we ordered it. I called and spent time trying to get to the right department, had to endure them trying to sell me more services (even though the one I ordered wasn't working), and then had to transfer to a third party verification service. This company, Human Touch, provides no type of human touch. They are mindless, monotone robots reading a script. I was informed that the long distance service wouldn't be activated until midnight that day. You guessed it, the next day it's not working, so I had to go through the whole experience again. I was told that the request had "errored out." No explaination, no apology, nothing.
The only reason we changed to AT&T is because Bright House was charging double the monthly fee. If I have to call again tomorrow, we may just move back to Bright House. Does AT&T have a complaint board?