I've never spent so much time attempting to get the simplest information...spent over 10 1/2 hours total to be placed on hold for literally 85% of that time! Reps in India continue to call me "sir", even though I"ve explained over and over that I'm a WOOman...only able to respond to something specifically listed on the page in front of them, rather than listening to the TRUE nature of my question, then placing me on hold to call USA reps to get an interpretation of what I needed...getting back on the line with me to give me a completely unrelated response, causing me to repeat the issue, be placed on hold again, receiving same inappropriate response, requesting to speak with a supervisor who referred me to yet another department (this being the third transfer, where ALL personal ID info had to be request AGAIN...and 2 of the 3 times they could not verify my account information, asking me to repeat this AGAIN, before going through the entire process of relating the problem & asking a specific question, only to receive YET ANOTHER inappropriate response!! I hung up, took apart my new computer & am returning it, resorting to keeping & using my dysfunctional Dell so that my wireless network will recognize me again so I can get back to work...TOTAL TIME USING MY AT&T CELL PHONE MINUTES TO GET NOWHERE 5.28 hours
Unfortunately, there are limited options for ISPs in this area, so threatening to jump from the AT&T frying pan would mean landing in the Comcast fire, which I've already divorced for the LAST TIME!! <sigh> WHY HAS CORPORATE AMERICA DECIDED TO OPT OUT OF ACCOUNTABILITY, RATHER THAN MONOPOLIZING US SCRAMBLING WORKER BEES TO A COMPLETELY FRENZIED STATE!!!???!!!