AT&T doesn't want my money! That's right, the put a block on my ability to pay my bills online.
Let me explain.
I moved to a new area, with myself i also moved banks. I had made some payments out of my old bank account number. This part is my fault.
The online bill pay system said my payments were late. It did not mention anything about a bank account no longer existing. So I tried to make another payment.
A few weeks later i noticed it still never went through. I realized now that it was using my old banking account information. No problem i thought, i will just add my new one in and make a payment.
*ERR* nope, it would not accept. I called them up and they told me there is a block for 6 months up to a year on making any further online transaction!
Can they remove the block, well they said someone could but they were unauthorized to transfer me to this person. So i can no longer make any online bill payments even though i have cash in my bank account and that they never notified what was going on or allow me to fix the problem.
So here i am, i would love to pay them and i could take a check in, but the principle of the matter is killing me. No warning, no second chances, you screw up once you have to wait a year to pay them online. It is an awful system. They lost all business from me.
I plan on looking for a new carrier, one that appreciates my money and one that enjoys getting paid. AT&T is the worst!