LostArt of Customer Service
March 24, 2010
lying about rebate
I signed up for AT&T internet service Jan 2010, and was told that I would receive a rebate for the cost of the modem. I got my first bill, over $100 and no mention anywhere of a rebate. I then called to inquire of this mysterious rebate, and the call center told me I didn't qualify, which was in direct opposition to the whole sales pitch of the lady who sold me AT&T internet--over the phone. I then explained to her that I was told specifically that I would be getting a rebate for the modem--as I had chosen not the basic service but the "quicker" more expensive monthly rate. Somehow, she changed her mind and then told me that I would be getting a "Visa gift card" in the mail and then mentioned going online to the "reward center" to redeem this mysterious, ellusive rebate. I went online, as per her instructions...and lo and behold, I don't exist according to ATT.com. Funny, I'm using AT&T internet to access THEIR SITE. So, I just spent an hour of my life that I will never get back arguing with and being on hold with a guy who tells me, after having service since 21 Jan 10 that I, in fact, do not have a rebate coming, that I never qualified. I went ballistic on the phone to this guy who barely sounds 18 on the phone, reading his stupid script. I wanted a manager, so he put me on hold...to never come back on the line...so I figured, they aren't going to pay for the last 25 minutes I've been on the phone. I hung up and called back. I finally got a woman on the line with some dad-gum sense, and I went off on her, as nicely as I could at that point and explained that although the last guy must be sitting there laughing at me, "waiting for his supervisor to come on the line" I was 5 seconds from filing a complaint with the BBB and that I have an attorney for a relative and I would sure hate to have to file a complaint of false advertising. I would like to thank the 1 out of 4 representatives, this most recent lady, who just called me back, for my prompt refund of $80 on my account...which covers the modem, shipping, handling, and tax. If anyone else, as I'm sure is the case, has had this happen to them: RAISE A STINK, TALK TO A MANAGER!! Use these KEY WORDS: FALSE ADVERTISING--LAWYER--BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU!!! See how fast that they crap themselves...believe me, they don't give a rat's patootee about you or anyone else, it's a crapshoot, but harrass them and they will give in. I refuse to give my hard-earned money away when 2 people apparently don't have the competence to do their job correctly, and the next one talks to me like I'm a dumb idiot..I'll show him dumb idiot...laughing to the bank and filing a complaint on his sorry behind. Please, America, say NO to crappy customer service!! MAKE THEM TREAT YOU LIKE A HUMAN BEING WITH RESPECT!! THE REASON COMPANIES SCREW US OVER IS BECAUSE WE LET THEM!!! I worked in retail for almost9 years, I'm telling you that these tactics work. If you call high up enough in a company...such as headquarters if you have to, it will work. Good luck, kick their butts!!!