My mother who is 86 years old and in failing health has a contract with Atlas Services. Her air conditioner stopped working. An Atlas Service representative came to her home insisting that my mother purchase a new air conditioner for $2500 even though her contract said they would repair same. Later that day I learned of this and contacted Atlas. They then requested I fax a letter of cancellation within two days. I faxed it the same day and yet they still charged my mother's credit card. I am in receipt of a letter signed by Kimberly Grossman dated 10-20-09 where it states; "Atlas Services is in receipt of your cancellation letter dated today's date for the purchase of a new air conditioning system for your mother...".
It is my opinion Atlas hopes the elderly does not look at their credit card statements. I had a similar incident with Kimberly Grossman in 2000. Kimberly Grossman filed a false police report stating I said something I did not say. Because of her outrageous allegation to the Police Department, I filed a lawsuit against Atlas Services. Imagine the following; if you were right, would you fork over money to me? Absolutely not however Atlas Services did stating in the release they were not admitting to any wrong doing. Give me a brake. I committed the entire conversation to tape and her attorney wanted a copy of the tape before me taking Ms. Grossman's deposition. I objected stating I did not want her to conform her testimony based on the contents of the tape and the Court agreed. Once the Court agreed, Atlas decided it would be best to settle but not admit they screwed up.
Apparently things still haven't changed. They told my mother she needed a new air conditioner and once I got involved, they replaced a few "burnt wires." at no charge according to their contract.
To everyone out there, think twice before signing a contract with Atlas. Florida is the only state that such companies exist. Odds are with you that if you do not enter into contracts with such companies as Atlas, chances are over the years you will come out a winner and you can purchase whatever you need when and if something breaks.