June 16, 2011
slow internet
I've had att high speed internet (DSL) for a few months now and I have the 6.25 Mbit package, but when i do the speed test at www.speedtest.net, it shows that I get a download speed rangeing from .5 to .7 Mbits
September 15, 2010
Internet Speed Downgraded
Since I got my business number from AT&T in March, I have had so many issues with AT&T that it's difficult to keep track of them all. I am at my breaking point. The worst part is that each person I talk with at AT&T seems to be more apathetic than the last.
My latest issue is with my high speed internet. I had high speed internet elite service and a home phone line. When I had my small business line installed, the installer said he had to "switch the pairs" with my home phone line. My home phone service stopped working properly. When I called AT&T, they denied responsibility and said they would charge me to send a technician out to check out the problem.
So, instead, I cancelled my home phone service. But, since I had my elite internet service on that line, I had to make arrangements with AT&T to move my internet to a internet direct account not billed on my phone service. Since past is prologue, I was very concerned about the move. AT&T assured me that my internet account would not change and that my internet service would not be down for more than 5 minutes.
Of course, on the scheduled date, my phone service stopped working as it was supposed to at 6am, but my internet was down all day. When I called AT&T, they told me that they should have told me that it could a couple of days. I was beside myself as I work from home and could not afford to be down for days.
The AT&T internet guy finally showed up and got my internet up. However, I noticed that my internet speed was slower. I called AT&T and they said nothing had changed. Then, this week, I got my first bill for the new internet account. The service had been downgraded from elite to pro. I called technical support at AT&T and they said my service had been downgraded and they transferred me to customer service to correct.
Customer service said elite service was no longer "available" to my home but that it should be. We're guessing that when the AT&T installer installed my small business line and "switched the pairs" that he changed something. In any case, AT&T told me someone would be out to check. That was on Sept 8. It is now Sept 15. I am calling AT&T today to find out what the delay is but my expectations are very low in getting resolution.
I cancelled my phone line and got efax.com instead for my fax machine. I am looking at porting my business number to another carrier. I am looking at alternate internet providers in the Dallas area so I can switch that too. By the way, my AT&T wireless service has been getting progressively worse over the past year. As soon as my husband's contract is up at the end of the year, we're both switching to Verizon.