My home phone and DSL were disconnected Wed. evening (four days ago) by "error", at least that is what one customer service rep told me. I was told Thursday morning by the customer service office that it would be hooked back up. When it wasn't hooked u p Thursday I called again Friday morning and was again promised it would be hooked up and it had a "rush order" or some equivalent words attached to the order. The rep also transferred me to ATT management in Atlanta and I again told that secretary my story. She promised me that a manager would call and that my phone would again be hooked up that day. Friday evening came and no service. I called again and the customer service rep. said the rush form had not been filled our correctly but now it was and I would have service Sat. Saturday evening came and no service. I called again and got a real run around by customer service. She eventually transferred me to Repair and the repair person said yes, it was scheduled to be hooked up by midnight but if not, it would be hooked up Sunday. Sunday evening came and still no service. I called repair and was told I had to call the business office again that there was no order to hook me up.
What a nightmare ATT has given me.