I ordered my Aria from AT&T on Oct 22 of this year. When I received it I was quite impressed with it compare to the Iphones I have come across in the past. I took it out of the box, called AT&T and had the phone provisioned for my line. Everything was fine with the phone and I used it watching you tube videos and playing around with the different apps that came with the phone. When I finally sat the Aria down on the table I noticed after about 10 minutes it would reboot its self. Assuming AT&T were pushing updates to the phone and being familiar with vastly different operating systems from windows to unix to symbian I knew this was normal for a smart phone that s updating important software. When we went to bed I realized the phone was not acting normal. It continued to reboot its self until the battery died the first night. All day the second day the same thing. When the phone was in use or on the charger it was fine but as soon as it was on battery power and went into low power mode from not being used it would start this reboot loop.
I took this phone to my Local AT&A store and a tech looked at it and commented "We get this in about 1 in 4 Arias. It is a Hardware Issue. We can exchange it here but since you bought it online we have to charge you a 35 Dollar restocking fee" So I was sent home to call 611. (AT&T Number for Handsets)
Here is where the fun begins. Thursday October 28th of this year (Last Week) I spent over 4 hours on the phone with AT&T. I called Business Care (This is a business Account) who sent me to Premier (AT&T Website people), who sent me to NBO (National Business Ordering), Who sent me to Warranty. This cycle repeated 2 1/2 times. I spoke to every department twice each of which denied any responsibility. I will be very brief with the details in these conversations but remember this has taken place over 4 hours on Thursday. Much more was said but this s the jist of it.
Business Care:"I'm sorry you didn't order from us please call premier."
Premier: "We are sorry you ordered through NBO I'll connect you."
NBO: "We are sorry you need to call warranty."
Warranty: "Sir, you have only had the phone for 2 days the warranty does not kick in until the 31st day." <~~~ YES this IS their Policy.
Regular Customer Service: "Sorry sir you are a business care customer we can not handle this call."
This goes on through out 9-10 random AT&T employees over the course of 3 hours or so.
Finally I get a Business Care employee on the line who takes some responsibility. "Sir what we need you to do is Box your phone back up and ship it back and when we get it we will send you another Phone."
This is NOT AT&T Policy. I have been with the company for many, many years. The correct AT&T Policy is to send you a replacement phone immediately, when you receive you new phone you repackage your old phone, minus anything AT&T did not send you (They routinely just send the handset part and request you keep the back and battery and SIM and SD card). If you fail to return you phone within X amount of days you will be charged retail value of the device you failed to send back.
So I am to understand that I will have to be without a phone for a week or so on a business line because I gave my old handset to my niece? So the struggle continues on with AT&T for another hour until I decide to just take advantage of "Buyers Remorse" and just cancel the damn line. Time for a new Department. RETENTION!!
Retention: "Hello Mr. G I am Jerimiah S. with "Customer Resolutions Center and I understand that you wish to cancel your service with us today. I see that you are a very valued Customer (This means in the AT&T system my rating shows I pay more in each month tn we actually use which makes AT&T more money. If you use more than you pay, Retention will be glad to cancel you very quickly.) may I ask why you want to cancel your service"
I explain in brief the past 4 hours speaking with everyone who works at AT&T.
Jerimiah S. "Well Mr. Garza, I do not know where they got their information but you are correct. If yo device is faulty we will email you a shipping label, when you get your new phone you will package up your old phone, place the shipping label on it, and send it back. I would be happy to get this process started for you sir if you would like."
Me: "I have to pick up my wife in about 15 minutes and the Aria is dead."
Jerimiah S: "No problem sir. I do not need anything but your consent to take care of this matter. I will place you on a brief hold and if you need to go just release the line. I have already sent the shipping label to your email address we have on file for you and I will go ahead and get your replacement device sent out."
Me: "Great thank you so much. And just to clarify, yo are sending me a new device right now?"
Jerimiah S. "Yes sir I am placing the order I just have to get a manager to sign off on it."
Me: "Great. Thank you so Much."
Friday October 29th 2010
When I get home from picking up my wife from work we decide to call and have a 'Paid Number Change' due to the fact of some harassing calls coming to her number. I cal AT&T and speak to Isiah who was in my opinion the best AT&T personal I have EVER spoken to in my years with AT&T. He changes my wife's number and I ask him to just check the account and make sure everything was taken care of.
Isiah: "I'm sorry sir but I do not show anything being shipped to you but i may be due to the fact that this all took place yesterday. Try caling back tomorrow and double checking." (This was at 3am eastern time so I assume all the higher ups were gone for the day.)
I end the conversation with him hoping he is correct.
Saturday October 30 2010.
I call AT&T and get a gentleman on the telephone. I spend 2 and 1/2 hours with him. Here are once again BRIEF parts of the conversation.
Agent: "I see here that Jerimiah S. sent you labels to return your phone and has ROLLED BACK YOUR 2 Year AGREEMENT."
Me: "Rolled Back?"
Agent: "Yes. You are not under contract for that line as of next month and if we do not receive your phone in X amount days you will e charged the full retail price."
Me: " He was not authorized to cancel my contract he said he was shipping me a new phone!"
Agent: "Oh I am sorry. Let me see what can do for you."
This goes on for about a hour of being placed on hold and him calling me back after he speaks to "Senior Management".
Agent: "Ok Mr. Garza we have a solution. I can Discount a phone for you down to 104.00 (I had already paid for my Aria) and I can give you a 45.00 credit per month for 4 months to take care of that but I need a credit card to bill the 104.00 to!!"
Me: "Let me get this straiht. This phone has been faulty since it came out of the box, and in order to get it replaced I have o pay 104.00 for another one or I have to wait until the 31st day at which point warranty kicks in and I can have them send me one?"
Agent: "Yes that's correct."
After once again explaining my take on the entire situation I continue on hold for another hour or so. Just so you know, My take on things is this. The phone did not work correctly, It i a KNOWN issue with AT&T and with HTC, I should have been sent a replacement on the first call, from the first person I spoke with.
Finally after another day of sitting with the phone to my ear for untold hours I am told by another AT&T "Senior Manager" that I need to call HTC and make sure that there is a problem with the phone.
I call HTC and speak to Lance who, after describing the problem and alerting him to the fact that I have already installed the Aria ROM from the HTC website it continues to do the same thing, replies tat it is not only a "Known Issue" with the Aria but sever other HTC brand phones." Lance is dumbfounded as to why AT&T has me calling him but he assures m that it is a Hardware Problem and gives me his employee ID so that AT&T can verify if needed.
I call AT&T and to my surprise get another intelligent gentleman whom I give this information to. He proceeds to "Notate the Account" and says he may be able to get his manager involved and expedite things before the "Resolutions Team" gets a chance to call me back on Monday.
Until then I will sit here and watch my Beautiful Aria reboot waiting for an answer.