July 11, 2010
Early Termination fee
I will make this story as short as I can. Im not pissed off or angry Im just sick with disgust. I recieved a collections letter a little over a month ago for the wireless service that I had with ATT Mobility for $1089. Im not disputing the account Its mine its the amount on the account. First of all when I had the services I was happy, I was a a month or two behind but nothing outstanding I believe it was $248.00 I that was late well I go online to make that payment and after I logged onto my account I almost lost it went from not even 300 dollars to $910. so I call ATT up and asked for an itemized statement of my bill because for some reason they didnt give me one the only thing it stated was wireless and miscelaneous fees, well anyways I never got it, so I never payed. As a consumer I have every right to know what I am paying for. And as a company they have every right to collect there debt but they should take into consideration also the debt they are collecting because when I recieved my Itemized statement about a week ago it showed what I was paying for, and that was the bill and ETF's for 3 phones. Whats funny is I never terminated my services I was happy with them and plus my husband was deployed I needed services, and I know that. and my phone showed no sign of disconnection so I was a little confused. Well come to find out they terminated my contract I guess because I was 2 month behind If they would have givin me my itemized statement online I would have had the account reinstated to prevent this whole mess. but whats really eating at me is why am I the one one getting penalized for services I never terminated and why are they charging me for something they did. Just remember Anyone can have a big company or be a big company but not without consumers. we play a very big roll in there success and its only fair that you treat us with respect and not to insult our intelligence because you think consumers have no knowledge or time to argue with you because we are too busy working for the money that pay the bills that make you successful and that pursuing this will just be a total loss because your BIG and im small dont forget who made you BIG. anyways now that i got that off my chest does anyone know if I have rights?