This company was to place an in store radio commercial in 2 large supermarkets. The stores are quite near us. We are in the stores every other day and We have never heard the promo nor have we found any store personnel who can verify that they have heard our promo broadcast although they are in the store for 8 - 10 hrs. We have waited for over a month for the problem to be rectified.
So far we have not gotten a positive response for a refund request despite emails, calls and certified letters. Our experience was not at all favorable with Attention Shoppers service or promise to broadcast our promotional advertisement in two major suppermarkets in the area. The timing was important to us and this was totally flubbed. Small business owners cannot afford the time and energy to be involved with any company with poor follow through on products and services. We tried to do our due diligence on this company but there were no postings. Now you have one.