We have 2 mortgages; one with Aurora Loan Service & GMAC, both of which are stating we are making late payments and attaching service fees for modiying review and late payments. We have never been late and should not have processing fees attached for this request. We did hire an attorney who would not litigate for us. We will sue Aurora Loan Service as they paid the first half of the taxes which was illegal and in our original contract for us to pay and homeowners insurance once a year and GMAC is attaching a processing fee for review of this Obama plan, as a late fee again which we have never been late on either loan. We tried to pay the entire taxes but told only could pay the second half as Aurora Loan paid the first half and did not notify us of doing so. So now Aurora Loan Service is stating we are behind with charging the taxes as a house payment in arrears. I, am not working as of 5-31-10 laid off after 17.5 years with the same company relocating to their corporate headquarters in Chicago. Adams County Housing Authority advised us to contact HUD attorneys for assistance for no cost or low cost according to our income. That was denied as the type of loan we have is a conventional uninsured and not eligible. My husband, is disabled and cannot work and has not worked for 20 years, and our son is 19 and working minimum wage to pay his bills and unable to assist us. Aurora Loan offered a 8 year ARM which will increase the payment of which we denied. The Obama plan was to help reduce the loan and not increase it and be a 30 or 40 year fixed.
Thank You,