Please advise if there are any new updates on the accounts sold to Auto Portfolio!
Today, after a month and a half of trying to figure out who purchased my account with Peak 5; we received a call at my mother in laws home from Auto Portfolio. They said they have sent correspondence to us, yet no mail has been forwarded and keep in mind my mother in law still resides in that home. They said they have left messages, once again... please keep in mind that my mother in law still has the same number. She said she hadn't heard anything. They are asking for 3 payments as well as late fees. I filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission this morning, I don't know if this will help. But the Secretary of State Office for Colorado was NO help! After researching, Auto Portfolio was just established in June 2009, right before Peak 5 closed their doors!
I also called to get a payoff and they the amount they gave me went up $2, 000.00 from the last payoff quoted?
you may contact me at [email protected] with information. I would think we may have a class action lawsuit on our hands.