I receive a letter from Procollect states that I owe AutoCareSuper $155.06. If I do not pay it it will affect my ability to obtain Credit, obtain emplyment, to purchase home, and qualify for apartment rental. That is fear me out, I call Procollect right away. The lady told me I bought the coupon for full service the my vehicle and my credit card did not go through.
I remembered one day a guy locked my house door to sell me the coupon and it cost $87.54. I paid it by my credit card. This is only on credit card I have and I only used this credit card to purchase staff. I just used my credit card to purchase Gas this morning, it works fine. It is impossible the credit card did not go through. Even the credit card did not go through, AutocareSuperSaver should bill me or let me know first, but I never received any notice from them.
Luckly, I asked the guy who sold me the product wrote his phone number and name on the left hand side of the coupon. I called him and mentoined about this. I asked for copy the original his hand written credit card slip to see if he may write down the wrong credit card number. He told me that he can not do anything about and he does not have the slip, and the account office will be closed for the Holliday. I fell like I am ripped off. It is the most day in my life.