Got NITRO PDF creater thru Frys with Mail-in-rebate for $50. Submited on May- 25-08.Sent all originals to them and had copy with me. Till date MApril-10-2009 I haven't received the mail in rebate for $50. I called the 800 number for 25 times (each time holding time is 10-25 mts).
The have my address entered wrong in the database.
They got my e-maild id in wrong. (Damen how come they copied the handwriten to wrong)
After 3 months I changed my apartment and called them to give new address..they noted down.
After that every other week I am calling them to finda the status they told we will send the check to u in a week (standard answer) I cross checkd with them what address u have again they have the old address.I gave my new address to all of them who ever I spoke about 25 times.
Today I called them and findout what is the status of the MIR..the same old answer..the same old address they have. Again I gave new address to them.
Some one guide me how to complaint to this for govt agencies? ( I wonder will govt agencies deal this type of case?)