I spent the day yesterday trying to remove a virus from a friend's computer taken over by AVG. It locked up everything and would not let her even on line. Apparently this is par for the course for the AVG-Free which works for a time without cost. Then after several months you get these pop-ups to buy antivirus software and the next thing you know your machine is taken over and you can't do anything except purchase the pop-up software to take care of the virus. We kept getting AVG and Microsoft logos so don't know if Microsoft is in on it or not. Her only recourse was to take her computer to a shop and get it cleaned...so AVG FREE is not Free.
I had the same problem with my conputer a couple of years ago but was able to load Nortons which took care of the problem . I was unable to do so with her computer because it locked up everything. BE WARE of AVG...It isn't free!