July 19, 2006
Avon gives you bad credit ratings for no reason
I am writing this letter in response to Avon's irresponsible mismanagement of my account. I joined Avon in Nov 2001, due to the persuasion of the team manager that since I ordered a fair amount each month I may as well get my discount. I wasn't able to order every month so I attempted to cancel my account in Sept 2001. So when I recently received a letter from NCO financial services in the amount of $17.71 owing to Avon, naturally I was shocked as I had discontinued my account. As of sept 2002 was the last letter I had received from them. In the letter on aug 2002 they had sent me a letter stating I owed them the amount of 46.79, naturally I mailed them a cheque in the same amount and they had cashed it so naturally I ignored the next letter they mailed to me in September 16 2002. So when I received the letter from NCO I was really dismayed. On further investigation, I had to call the Avon local manager 4 times and she only responded once and recommended I should phone long distance to Montreal to speak to the collections officer at Avon named Diane. I diligently phoned and after 6 calls her response was that I owed this amount as they sometimes billed you later for certain item and the amount owing was a reflection of this. She also pointed out that she had also mailed 3 other letters after September 16, 2002, which I did not receive and neglected to tell me which dates they where because obviously I did not receive any of the 3 letters. So naturally I had asked her to resend me one letter which she rudely replied that since I already had received 3 letters she couldn't do anything for me until I had paid the amount owing of $17.71. So I phoned the NCO financial services who at first suggested I figure this out with Avon, but due to the unco-operation, NCO suggested I pay the amount to them otherwise I would get a bad credit rating. So in the end I paid the amount owing $17.71. Which is not a big amount so why am I complaining? Well Avon supposing is such a big company and I had to phone 6 times and they only had 1 collections officer working for them with no toll free line. Also I asked Diane at Avon if they had proof that I received the 3 letters, they said no, yet they can still send your account to the collections agency. There is no way to contest or even make your complaints known since they make it awfully difficult for you to complaint. Even when you get a parking ticket you have a venue to dispute you case but when it comes to big companies with guns you have to surrender.