Hello all,
Attention attention!! VERY IMPORTANT:
Just wanted to share with the rest of the community that the wizard at SmartKurve/Edknovate slyly decided to create a NEW agency name to hide behind all of his problems the other day.
He is now going to try and operate under the new name "Axiom Recruitment - Thailand"
Here's what to do;
If you look on teachingthailand.com, you will see the ad from Axiom. Now, if you open up a recent ad from SmartKurve, you will see how the wording in the two ads are virtually the same.
I laughed at the part in the ad which says, "Axiom Recruitment has a very clear and sincere mission statement, which simply stated is to put "people first". (Haha. Yeah right). It goes on to say how, "Mutually beneficial outcomes are achieved for both candidates and clients".
Again, ALL LIES!! This is the SAME company that's also operating under the name SmartKurve/Edknovate, and who has screwed over lots and lots of teachers, made numerous threats against them, and has STILL NOT PAID THEIR SALARIES YET! If anyone goes to the office, there will be a big sign next to the door that says "Edknovate" (unless it's been taken down already:)
Don't fall prey for this fraudulent scam company!