My wife and self are the account holders of your good bank. We are both senior citizens having priority account.
My name is Dilip Jamnadas Dhruv S/B A/C No. 029010100015105 which is also a PRIORITY Service account. I am 70 year old
My wife's name is Jashawanti Dilip Dhruv S/B A/C No. 029010100027928 which is also a PRIORITY Service account. She is 68 years old
In the past two bank annual Diaries were received from the branch office.
Surprisingly this year no diaries were received by us, Upon enquiring I was told that the diaries are posted to your home address directly.
Up til today far no diaries received. Friends / acquaintances of mine received the diaries locally.
It is not the question of diaries but it seems something wrong somewhere.
Previously I had an account with HDFC bank who gave the diaries prior to starting of the year (received diary in December for the next year.
Hope matter is looked in seriously and needful action taken.