Sunday, Dec 12, sitting at my computer checking emails and surfing the web when I received this large message on my desktop indicating that my computer was going to crash, that my securities tools were encryted and that there were over 38 files infected with a virus. Of course this great company, "AZ BAKU BUYSOFTHERE.CO " which you don't know their name, indicates that by purchsing this security / virus scan software, my issues with my computer will be resolved for a fee of $59.95 for 1 year. I dwelled on this for several hours while at the same time, my computer kept acting up with the virus message and how my computer was going to crash. Even though I shut it down several times. Message kept erroding every web site / email that I went to, as well as my desktop. Key factor here is the need for my credit card information.
I checked with my credit union and sure enough, I was charged the $59.59 + currency fee transaction (which means this is from overseas). Now I have to close out my credit card because they got my number and security number as well. And how the heck did they get access to my computer? I really hate be warned!